Home > Finally, a diagnosis

Finally, a diagnosis

February 4th, 2009 at 01:04 am

After a return trip to the doctors, we finally have a diagnosis. She has a UTI, probably due to the fact that a) she's a toddler who is still learning the whole wipe business and b) she's notorious for holding her pee in.

I took her in Monday after she spiked a temp of 104.5 Sunday night. I hate when my kid is sick.

I haven't killed my grandmother yet, thank goodness ... and hopefully she'll be going to California soon. She is stating that she wants to "tour" around our family. Well, I think I am going to put my foot down and say "Sorry there is no room at the inn."

I think part of my problem with this whole idea is I've JUST gotten out of the rommate stage. I mean, I want my OWN home, with my OWN rules ... and I certainly don't need another child (sorry, my grandmother is too dependent for my taste).

I just keep putting off the idea of her coming to my house ... my poor parents are stuck with her for now.

I just honestly can't comprehend someone deciding that just because someone has the "extra" room in their house (I have a four bedroom house, the other two rooms are my office and Juliette's playroom) They aren't "extra" to me. I told my parents I was going to find two roommates and tell her "Sorry". At least the roommates would pay ... my grandmother hasn't even offered to pay money to live there.

I can't wait until I am old(er) and can just assume that I can live with my grandchildren ... and not even offer to help out with the bills. SIGH!

4 Responses to “Finally, a diagnosis”

  1. thriftorama Says:

    Bladder infections are the worst! I hope she feels better soon. It's bad enough when you are in your 20s and have one, but to be so young? That must be ten times more awful.

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I feel for her! I get UTI's frequently and they are very painful!

  3. reginaastralis Says:

    She hasn't even complained about the pain. We didn't even suspect it ...

  4. whitestripe Says:

    DF's sister just moved out of our house and it's the first time we've lived by ourselves for the 6 years we've been together. It's bliss!

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