Home > Day 2

Day 2

September 12th, 2006 at 02:53 am

Wow! Let me first say that the words of encouragement were wonderful. Secondly, let me apologize, I literally fell asleep last night while writing that blog. I don't know what happened to me, I woke up and I hadn't finished my post.

Day 2. I knew today I would have to spend some money. Tomorrow is a potluck at work .... I think this one is the fourth in about two months. I've done every possible "cheap" things for potluck; chips, macaroni salad, sodas ... yeah. I had to spend money this time. I went for lasagna, but I honestly didn't feel like making one from scratch. So, Stouffer's got about $11 from me. I also had to buy some diapers. Jeesh! I can't wait until Juliette is out of diapers!!!!!

For a long while, I was buying cases of Pampers. The pampers are great ... they are thin and she doesn't leak - they are $18.88 a case at walmart for 92 diapers. The white cloud diapers are $14.92 for 92, though they are a lot thicker. This kind of works out better for us since she's such a tiny girl her clothes fall off. Right now, we're going through about 6-7 diapers a day, well during the week. I hate to say this, but I think her daycare teacher is either using too many diapers or she's stealing them. Seriously. At home, she goes through about 4-5. Maybe I don't change her enough .. but I have serious doubts about the teacher. Anyways, I bought the diapers ... and we have wipes to last till about the end of the month.

Is it bad that since I have only been taking 7 diapers a day to her daycare, that she went from using 7 a day *plus going through some mysteriously* that she is only changed 4 times a day. I didn't think this would be that hard, taking my child to daycare.

I was also bad and bought myself a shirt, but in my defense I have about five outfits for work. There are five days in a work week, and one of them is a casual day. I'm sure you all can do the math on this, I wear a lot of the same clothes! It's ... bothersome.

I'm working right now on getting Julie's clothes together to take them to the consignment shop. There is a girl at work who's pregnant and due in December who is interested in the highchair, travel system and excersaucer. I'm so exicited! I'm going to take pictures of them this week and take them to work ... hopefully she'll buy them. If not, my mom is planning on having a yard sale near the end of this month, maybe I can get rid of them then.

My best thing of the day ... everyone at work ordered sushi. I almost caved. But, I held out .. and my manager *who always eats with her eyes* ended up having an entire roll extra ... mmmmmmmmm, sushi. And even better, free sushi!

So, no ... today wasn't great. I know that sometimes I have to spend money, but there is this evil place called "Walmart" perhaps you have heard of it. They have everything you could ever possibly want but not need, under the same roof. I literally have an impossible time going in there and not spending $50. Tonight, I spent $45.02. I've learned that it's cheaper and easier to go to CVS for milk, it's $2.99 a gal over there. We go through about a gal of milk a week. At walmart, it's $3.29, plus ... I'll spend an additional $47 on junk. Everytime.

The part that is honestly going to be the hardest for me is actually sticking to a budget. Working out the kinks, the fact that I owe quite a bit of money to a number of people ... it's going to take time. If it means staying out of stores ... that's what it means.

When I was staying home with Julie *I was working nights while my mom watched her* we'd go to the store for fun. Yes, fun. I didn't want to stay in the house all day, so I'd head over to Target to walk around, spend some time. Yeah ... spend about $45, then grab some starbucks. Ack. It's a really good thing I had to get a day job.

Now, even though I'm paying an arm and a leg for day *$140 a week* I'm not spending all the money in the store. So, maybe it's a good thing.

Another goal for September, either decide if I can deal with keeping Julie in the daycare for the next four months *The program I want to get her in doesn't accept until they're two* or switch her now. If I switch her, do I go home daycare or to another facility (that honestly sounds like a horrid word).

Off till next time. Thanks for reading.


5 Responses to “Day 2”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Just use the vision of having the choice to stay at home with your daughter, as the factor whether to purchase something or not!
    Find cheaper places to buy things (sounds like you are already working on this)! Go wild at the thrift store, not Target or Walmart! Decide what is really important and what can wait or can be done without.
    Good job avoiding the sushi!

  2. Kris10leigh Says:

    Do you have an Aldi or Save-a-lot near you? Milk at Aldi's (where I live anyway) is usually $2.09. Not sure about Save-a-lot. I know little ones that age go through a LOT of milk! And that will keep you out of Walmart too!

    Sounds like you've got your ducks in a row. Keep it up!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I spend too much at wal mart's too, that is why I am glad we don't have one in this town.

  4. Great to be Debt Free Says:

    Oh, I LOVE the name Juliette! Beautiful!

    And I LOVE Sushi, too! But I wasn't as good as you and I decided I "deserved" it for not being a baby and going to the dentist -- I am known to "pretend" to make appointments and then never go -- (sheepish shrug). But it was good, and it came from my mad money budget, so.

    Well, congratulations on your little one and best of luck to you. You are young and you're on the right track! I just know you'll be fine!

  5. nick Says:

    my sister goes threw about 9 diapers a day with her 18 month old so shes stressing out alot

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