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Archive for January, 2007

Kidcare - my rant!

January 26th, 2007 at 06:10 pm

Sigh. I've been working since July to get Juliette on "affordable" health insurance here in Florida. It's called Florida KidCare.

First, they lost my income verfication. TWICE.

Then, in late September, they told me that everything was taken care of. All I had to do was pay the $15 copay, and her coverage would start in 4-6 weeks. Then my car died *the only thing in this entire matter that wasn't their fault* and I didn't have any extra money at the time.

I paid the $15 in the middle of November, when I got my next paycheck. Told to call back in 4-6 weeks. At that time, I picked her provider.

I called two weeks, 6 weeks later after receiving info that I had never picked her provider and that they were about to pick it for me. I picked a provider and then asked how long it would be for me to receive info on her to get her enrolled and everything.

Another 4-6 weeks.

Are you kidding me? I started getting a bit defensive. And then the lady said they were sending it to the "Urgent Review Department" which I was pretty sure they were just making up. I called three days later, after the MLK holiday, since they were closed. Apprently they did forward it the the department listed above, which I still giggle at since it really sounds like something I would have made up.

I was told they didn't have current employer information on me. AGAIN!?!?! I explained to the lady that I did infact have TWO jobs, and that I had sent over my income three times now. Two checks from my "big" job and four from Cracker Barrel. The lady asked "You have two jobs? We only have one listed." I asked, "What about on the application?!" Sure enough, BOTH jobs on the application.

Two days ago I got a letter in the mail stating that my MONTHLY premium will be $159. That's a HUGE difference from the $15 I was told previously. It's still HALF what I pay for her to be covered at my job, but still ...

So I called. Apprently it took this "wonderful" orginazation from September till LAST week to realize I had TWO jobs. And they had calculated it wrong. I make $200 too much per month, gross income btw, to qualify for the lower premium. SO, they want me to fork over $318 TODAY to hopefully have her coverage start in Feb., but more than likely she won't be able to get in until March.

I'm about to scream. I really am. The lady I talked to yesterday was wonderful, but I don't have $318 to fork over and hope that I can drop her with my employer insurance in Feb.

SIGH ... I'm going on an interview/open house Tuesday. Hopefully I get the job, and hopefully they offer affordable insurance for the people who work there, and their children.

Almost a no spend day

January 21st, 2007 at 04:49 am

Today was ALMOST a no spend day, and I'm almost ready to count it.

All I bought today was a refurbished Ipod that I was going to buy myself for Christmas, but an emergency room trip to the er and my car being broken into put it on the back burner. I've been funding that fund for a couple of weeks now, and spent $35 on myself ... for once.

I've been pretty down lately, and I have to say it felt good spending money on myself for once. I never spend money on myself, which I find out most mom's don't.

I also spent this morning packing up some of Julie's old clothes and toys to get ready to move. I can't wait to go through them and get rid of a bunch of CRAP.

I'm still debating applying for a new job. They are having an open house on Jan 30th, so I have a couple of days to decide, since I'll have to make up a new resume. I want to stay with my current company, but a $4-5 an hour raise would be really sweet.

I made $100 tonight serving. I'm hoping tomorrow is really busy ... with the way things have been going lately, it's the weekend that should be busy. Here's to hoping

Birthday plans

January 20th, 2007 at 03:30 pm

My birthday isn't until March, but I got this wild hair up my bumm to plan a weekend trip to Disney for my birthday.

So, I called Disney, mainly for kicks and giggles to see what the price would be for a Savannah room at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. My birthday is during "peak" season, since it's usually college spring break weekend. $325 a night! Seriously?!?!?! Off peak, it's about $200 a night ... which is a lot of money, but $325 for a night is crazy. SOOOO, unless I go for a value resort, I don't think I'm staying at disney. HAHA.

Oh, and $325 is Florida resident, it's close to $500 a night without ... ouch!

For my birthday, I might go ahead and get the tattoo I've been eyeing for awhile. It shouldn't be more than $150, and I've been putting it off b/c I didn't want to spend the money. $150 sounds like a steal after my failed Disney dream.

Taking a better job

January 18th, 2007 at 03:38 am


My coworker is leaving our company and I was thinking about taking her old job. It's something I could really enjoy doing, but I'm not sure if I want it.

With everything going on right now ... looking for an apartment and potentially moving as soon as an apartment comes available ... I don't think I am the right person to take it right now. It's not something I can concentrate on learning ... and it's a lot of things to learn.

So then she went into this speal about possibly moving on with the company when we expand in a couple of months. BLAH. And then the yearly raise in March. BLAH again. Sorry, I don't like having a carrot dangled in my face.

I'm seriously thinking about looking for a new job. My boss is so .. .unprofessional. But again, now's not the right time. When is it the right time?

I know I'm always going to have horrid bosses .. I'm just hoping it's better when we're not all in the same small room.

New goals

January 13th, 2007 at 04:02 pm

I meant to post about new goals. Since I am going to be living on my own, and therefore paying more out for rent and bills than I previously thought ... I have to change my goals for the year.

1. Save $1000 cash.
2. Pay off half of credit card debt by 2008.
3. Pay off half of student loan debt by Spring 2008.
4. Be ready to go back to school by Fall 2008.

When I go back to school in the Fall, I want to go a bit more than half time. This will mean that I will no longer be able to work at Cracker Barrel, as I will have to meet for classes on the weekends, more than likely.

I am going to order a course catalog from the local community college just to get an idea of what online courses they offer. I think this is going to be the only way I can accomplish this goal right now, to work at my main job and then do college online. I should also call a counselor and see if I have to retake any of the classes I had orginally done.

Speaking of quitting Cracker Barrel, did you know they are one of a few places that offer servers health benfits and a 401k plan. The health benefits are a bit expensive, if I remember correctly ... however I did opt to get into the 401k plan last year, when I hit my one year mark over there. Back last April, I was working there full time ... so I didn't even think much about it. Now that I work two days a week, it's kind of amusing to see what goes into the 401k. About $20 a week. I have about $620 in there right now. HA! Nothing to retire on, but I'm proud to say I've saved SOMETHING over the past year.

I hate waiting on W2's. I got one from my current employer, and am now waiting on Cracker Barrel and Michael's to come in. It's always a waiting game.

I'll update my goals on the side bar in a bit. The girls are quitely playing a game *Jordyn playing and my daughter watching* after both of them eating huge bowls of grits. I'd never eaten them before, so I was a bit surprised at the texture.

Updated goals *a bit off topic at first*

January 13th, 2007 at 04:42 am

Have you ever known something wasn't right, but you couldn't bring yourself to see it. Well, if not, subscribe to my blog. You'll see big WARNING lights that I just look at amusingly. Hmm, what are thoughs?!?!

Well, I posted about a silly apartment fight that Michael and I were having. Today I ended it with him. Not completely over the fight, but over the fact that he didn't understand why Julie's daycare wasn't a negotiable thing.

I didn't post much on here when my daughter first started her old daycare. I stayed at home with her for the first 16 months of her life, working nights while my mom was with her. She is a HUGE momma's girl. When she started daycare, it literally broke my heart. Here's a good place to input that I didn't want to have any children until I was 30 and I wanted to be a stay at home mom. I never thought I would have to put her in a daycare, but when a great job was literally given to me ... I knew what I had to do.

Personally, I cried the first three days dropping her off. Starting a job, sobbing hysterically probably makes your new boss wonder about you. Running out the door at lunch to go and check on your napping babe ... and then coming back crying REALLY makes you look like a weirdo. Juliette didn't do well with the transistion either. It took a good two weeks before she was excited about going to school.

A month or so after, they added a new classroom and Julie went into it. She started coming home with weird bumps and bruises, but we didn't think much of it ... then she got her finger caught in the door. I wasn't able to leave work, so my mom went and got her. They told my mom that they thought she was going to need stiches. My dad's a fireman/paramedic, so he went with her. She didn't need stiches but had a nasty bloody nail for a few months after that. Again, we didn't think much about it.

Suddenly, my sweet darling toddler was becoming this horrid monster. Again, we didn't think anything of it b/c she was at that "age" where kids are supposed to be a little bit meaner. One day I dropped her off early and watched as two parents pulled their kids out of the class b/c of unexplained bruises. Suddenly the light shone. Then Julie was becoming incredibly aggressive, and I watched her push the only two other boys left in the class ... and the teacher didn't say anything.

I cried again the whole way to work.

I started looking that day for a better daycare ... and I found the one she goes to now. Sure, it's not perfect. In fact, I don't really like one of the owners ... but my child is HAPPY. She loves talking to you about school, sings songs she's learned there ... and has even made some of those pieces of artworks I'll look back on in 10 years and boo hoo like a baby.

And THAT my friend *while incredibly long* is why I am no longer moving in with some crazy man with WAY to much drama. A coworker asked why I would possibly date a man with children, and now I see why. I don't want to deal with an ex forever. Of course, I'll more than likely fall madly in love with a man with adorable little children of his own ... but ... well, let's hope he's more responsible then someone who fights over a daycare.

I ended it ... and really looked at my budget. Am I really going to be able to do this?!!??!?!!??!


Is it going to be tough?

OMG, yes.

Rent: $640 a month, a two bed, two bath apartment. Literally less than a mile from my parents *sigh, will I ever get away?*
Washer/dryer: $37 a month
School loans: $50 a month *BA, wanna help me out?!?! wink*
Daycare: $130/week. $520/month *WOW, that's almost as much as I'll pay in rent. Seeing the actual numbers is sickening!*
Car payment: $380/month
Insurance: $200 (I think it's actually 125, though I'm not sure. The extra money is going to go into a car fund, in case things like having my car broken into happens again)
Julie's health insurance: $15/month
Cell: $60 *I think it's about to be less than that*
Electric: $100
Gas: $100
Groceries: $300 *I think that's extreme*
Gas for the car: $100 *again, extreme*

Grand Total: $2112

Not including raises - I bring home $2486 a month. Now .. most of the things I over budgetted, since I have never really lived on my own. It leaves me $300 left over pretty much a month. Of course I'd LOVE to start putting that towards payin back all my debt *I added it up the other day, scary*, and saving. I'm due for a raise in March, but I didn't work that in. Of course this includes working at Cracker Barrel. I feel like I am going to be working two jobs FOREVER! Also, while it includes Cracker Barrel, I know it's not 100% of my tips .. it's only what I claim. I usually make about $100 more a week than I claim *shh, don't tell Mr. Tax man, he's going to hate me* but whatevers left over will be used greatly.

So ... wish me luck. A lot of luck.

Looking for an apartment

January 11th, 2007 at 06:00 am

My boyfriend and I have decided to look for and move into an apartment by Feb. I'm going nuts trying to find a place for us to live.

Most of the places around here have no openings. I can't believe the amount of apartments in the area, and NO OPENINGS. I fell in love with this place tonight, until the lady told me that it's $999 a month. Are you serious?!!? For an apartment? We were looking at a place for $650 a month that's only 100 sq feet less, but it doesn't look like they are going to have any openings when we need it. Argh!

Then comes the part of where to live. Michael wants to live in a different part of town. But, I think I want to stay here b/c I am in LOVE with Julie's daycare. It's amazing, and he doesn't really understand the point of it. I told him it was sad that I was willing to drive more than an hour out of my way to drop her off at this amazing daycare and then all the way back to work ... and do it again on the way home ... only b/c he doesn't want to live with traffice. Hello! What planet are you living on that there is no traffic. SIGH.

It's a silly fight, but I think I am going to win. I have to worry about my daughter, so I win.

Sigh, it's late. I have no idea why I am still awake.

I've been doing horrid about saving money this week.

So far so good ... my savings plan.

January 5th, 2007 at 12:54 am

So far so good this year. I can't complain, yet.

Money has been decent. I've been spending to much, but this is something I plan on tackling this coming week. I am jumping into the $20 challenge. And it's going to go to ME!

One of the things for the challenge is I am going to set myself $20 a week to spend on "junk". This means if I want to pick up breakfast on the way to work, or spend .60 for a soda. Whatever is left over at the end of the week from this $20 will go into my challenge money. This will curb me from the soda or a breakfast sammich.

I'm also going to take half of whatever change is saved during the month and put this into my challenge money. One thing I've been doing is after serving over the weekend, I take whatever dollars are left over and put into my change jar. For instance this past weekend I made $209 serving. I seperated the $200 to spend on bills, and the nine went into the savings account.

For regualr savings, which I am working on having become my emergency fund, I have been putting aside $90 and some change into my savings account. I'm hoping to be able to put about $25-50 into this account each serving weekend, plus my weekly paychecks from Cracker Barrel. These checks are usually between $11-26 a week, so it's not exactly a huge amount of money but it will all add up eventually.

Also, since I am really tired of being this size, for each 1lb I loose I am going to put aside $1. This money will go into my challenge money, and my goal is for the end of the year to be able to blow a good portion on pretty new SMALL clothes for me.

Also, since I have filed for child support against my daughters WONDERFUL *eye roll here* father here .... whatever money he sends is going to go into a savings account for her. I am hoping to be able to start a 529 plan for her, depending on what he's ordered to pay. I don't know what I am going to be able to sign up for, I don't know how these plans work in other states but here I will be able to set aside anything from 2 years at a community all the way up to 4 years plus living expenses. I guess it depends on what he sends over. I would like to be able to set it up this year, but I have to sign up for it by the 31st of this month and I know everything won't be set up by then. I think I am going to put the 529 plan on my NEXT YEAR list. Yes, I've started a list of goals for next year *see side bar*. I think it's kinda funny to be saving up for college for my daughter and hoping to go back at the same time for myself, but I should qualify for a couple of grants so it's all good.

I think this is long enough for now.

2007 goals

January 2nd, 2007 at 02:06 am

Most of my goals for this year are really aimed to helping me with 2008. I really want to go back to school. I can't wait to go back actually, and I want to be ready by spring semester of 08. I plan on going back just about half time, if I can afford it. Enough to be able to not have to repay my student loans while in school.

1. Get my own place. Michael and I are discussing moving into an apartment or renting a house as early as next month. I'm not sure if this will work, but this is a potential goal.
2. Save $5000 in cash. It's a lofty goal, but I have been pretty determined to start setting aside money. I plan on making exact tasks on how to save this money in my next post.
3. Reopen a checking account. Having to pay for everything in cash has made me VERY aware of my money.
4. Open two ING accounts. One for my emergency fund, one for Julie's college savings. If her darling father ever sends some child support, this money will go into this account. I have officially filed for child support by the way.
5. Majorly reduce the student loan debt I have from when I attempted and failed to go to school before. These loans are currently in default, but are being consolidated to take them out of default. I have less than $3000 in student loans, so I really want to hit them hard.
6. Pay off my credit card debt. I need to get the exact totals, but I have less than $1000.

Good luck to 2007. I can't wait for 2008.