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Archive for December, 2007

Goodbye 2007

December 31st, 2007 at 02:44 pm

Seriously, so long. You've been a really rough year. I've seen too many deaths this year, and not enough births. You've had my brother over in Iraq for nearly nine months, we'd really like him home please. You've dealt me job losses and gains. You've made my daugther grow up waaaaay to fast. It's time for you to move on.

I like even numbers better any how ...I believe 2008 is going to truely be a better year.

Figuring out needs vs. wants

December 30th, 2007 at 01:05 am

This year, I am really going to try to not buy anything I don't truely need. I don't know a better way to term this, but I am really going to try to cut back.

I know it's nearly impossible for us to go straight to "No eating out" so I am leaving it in the budget to have a little fun. I also LOVE to buy DVD's and such, especially since next year with no roomies, I won't have to throw money away by buying cable. YAY! However, it's a pure want to buy a dvd ... and thus shouldn't be done this year. I don't think this is something I can manage.

So, in my new budget for this year, I am going to allow myself some "fun" money. Not to mention, a few trips to Disney. This year, I didn't buy a season pass though ... gasp! My daughter has been asking to go to Disney since October, poor girl. What are we going to do?!?! I am thinking we might go to a few of the special parties, one in the spring, one for Halloween, and then for Christmas. I could never quit Disney cold turkey.

Also, I found out my friend is getting married in Vegas sometime this year. I have never been to Vegas as an adult ... so this is going to be in a "need" category.

Maybe I should label the categories "Need" "Want" and "Sanity". I think that might actually work.

Best $1 spent

December 29th, 2007 at 01:05 am

Occasionally, like every other month, I stop at Goodwill on my way home, and browse their movie selection. See, we have this old contraption called a VHS player ... and Goodwill sells tapes for $1. I saved some for Christmas ... but now we have nearly every Disney (Princess)classic.

Do you want to know what my daughter is doing right now ... yep, she's downstairs watching something I paid $1.07 on (silly taxes). And she's quiet, and leaving me alone for a minute so I can input my money spent today and have this silly thing called "a moments peace."

My neighbor came over on Christmas and saw Julie's box of "new" movies (I think I bought her eight) and told me how her boyfriend's daughter hadn't appreciated the gift of used movies. She actually said "What, it's used. This isn't even rewound." Juliette proudly told her all about her new movies, and my neighbor promised to keep an eye out for any I don't have.

The best part, other than the few minutes I can spend alone, is that these things are "classic". We have "Snow White" in it's first release on VHS, with Roy Disney in the beginning, talking about how this was such a change, to be able to view your favorite movie at home. I'm a Disney nerd, so watching these old interviews with Imagineers gets me a bit giddy, remembering when I was younger and my only dream was to work for the Mouse himself.

I'm off to go join my little one ... she wants to watch the Jungle Book tonight.

2008 Goals

December 28th, 2007 at 04:59 am

That's right - it's that time of year, to start thinking about NEXT year.

But first, have we really learned anything this year? I mean, seriously, what hve I gained?

Well, for starters, I'm a bit of a shopping addict. I'm the kind of person to buy something I probably shouldn't, agonize about it for a couple of days and then return to the store. I've also learned that if I spend too much time away from recreational shopping, I find myself at the grocery store. Every. Single. Day. NOT good! When you're spending $50 a day at the grocery store ... you probably have a serious problem. SO, this is something I have worked really hard on this year, and it's starting to get better. Well, a little bit.

So ... onto my goals.

1. Put aside $30 for Christmas, every month. This probably isn't a lot of money to most people, but this will cover our Christmas expenses. Gifts for everyone, a few new ornaments, and I'll need a wreath next year.

2. Stick to my budget Obviously, since I have a bit of a shopping problem, I really need to stick to my budget. This is something I am going to get serious about this year. There is no reason why I am not able to make it, other than complete laziness.

3. No impulse buys This is explainedin my opening paragraph. It's completely nutty to buy something at the store only to be racked with buyer's guiltfor the next three days. It's not worth it!

4. Grocery shopping with list and coupons I've gotte pretty good at doing once amonth shopping. Sometimes I have to make an additional run for things I've forgotten. I am trying to be better to combine these runs when I need bread/milk. This is something I am going to stick to next year. Also, I am going to try very hard to do all of my shopping on Wednesday only. I really think this can be done.

5. Potty train Juliette. She's 90% there. She's doing so well. I'm not however. I forget to remind her. I shouldn't have to remind her every 20 minutes, she's past that stage ... but I forget and she has accidents This year will be the year we get out of pullups. Those things are ridculous!

6. Pay half of my debt away Sometimes I think this is a lofty goal, but it isseriousy something I want to accomplish. It's something I truely think I can do if I stick to my guns and work with my plan that I have written up. I will NOT be in debt forever!

7. Save $1,000 into my EF My EF was pretty much depleted this year. My goal is to make up for that this year and save, save save! I want to have over $1,000 in this bad boy before years end!

8. Loose 40 pounds This is something I WILL accomplish. The best part of this goal will be buying new clothes afterwards!

9. Start college in August I don't care if it's one class. I will be enrolling in the local community college this August. I just need to start saving so I can afford to do this

10. Track where my money goes I hate being at the ed of the month and wondering where I spent all of my money at. This year, I am going to work harder at actually writing down where and when I spend my money.

Here's to a new great year!

Christmas lesson learned

December 27th, 2007 at 01:25 pm

I was really good this year when buying presents for Juliette. I knew she would get overwhelmed with too many presents. I also knew that buying her things from the $1 store or from the thrift store would be fine.

However, my mother didn't learn. JEESH! I walked into pesent overload. It was a wee bit terrifying. We almost couldn't fit Julie into the car to bring her home yesterday!

And sure enough, wth 10 or so presents left, my daughter refused to open anything else. She wanted to play with her blue kitchen, and she wanted to play with it NOW.

My mom promises she's scaling back next year. Let's see. Julie's birthday is less than a week away, and I still haven't bought anything for her yet!

$50 Christmas Gift

December 25th, 2007 at 07:20 pm

My grandfather always "slips" me money for Christmas. Ever since having my daughter, my grandmother refuses to get me anything, let alone wish me a merry Christmas.

This year, my grandfather slipped a card into his back pocket and waited until my grandmother left the room to make herself a plate for dinner, when he thrust it into my hand. It tickles me that he does this on the sly, and saddens me so much that he has to do this. She has no idea that he does this. I don't know where he gets the money from, I know he has some since he still rises before the sun to go to yard sales and such ... so it's "his" money.

$69.27 - $20 Challenge
+50.00 - Wonderful Gramps
- - - -
$119.27 - 12/25 total!

The money will go into the "$20 challenge" and this month my brakes will get fixed! WOOT! I also may get an oil change with the money, and POSSIBLY new tires if I can stretch the budget.

Gosh, I am still tired from last night. So tired! Next year, I will wrap BEFORE Christmas Eve. I swear.

First addition

December 23rd, 2007 at 06:08 am

$20.00 - beginning balance
+49.27 - paycheck 2/20
_ _ _ _
$69.27 - $20 challange

Most of my paychecks go straight into my 401k, however two weeks ago I realized I am making the same amount of money as new servers. At Cracker Barrel, you get a .05 raise for every "par level" you reach. When we got bumped up the the new server min. wage, they never bumped up my raises. I really wish I had noticed this ... I don't know, a year ago. However, my paycheck went up like $15.


On an interesting note, I have somehow managed to make even numbers in tips the past two nights. Weird.

Possible free daycare?

December 23rd, 2007 at 06:04 am

A coworker and I were talking tonight, and she offered to watch Juliette for me for free. Seriously.

I almost passed out. I told her I would watch her four year old at night if she could watch Juliette during the day. She said that would work out fine.

If I didn't have to pay for daycare, I could afford to live on my own. No roommates, just my lovely daughter and I. This would be what I want/need. Living with roommates is hard, add having a child into the mix ...and it's really hard.

She just left her husband, so I know she really needs the emotional support as well. She's a great friend, and we laugh b/c we have a lot in common.

The only fear I have is taking Juliette out of school. She loves her school, and I love that she is so happy there. It makes me happy to know how much she is growing. But, I pay $540 a month to send my daughter to school, and it's honestly too much money for myself alone.

I am thinking that when more money becomes available in the "Title 20" program that I might sign her up for daycare. Title 20 supplements daycare for low income families ... but they don't have anymore funding right now. I'll need to call next week sometime to see when they will be getting funding.

I'd really love to live on my own ... sigh. I think I will be able to do this. I don't know if you all can tell how happy I really am.

Horrid dinner disaster

December 21st, 2007 at 12:27 am

HAHAHA ... So I am trying to learn how to cook, a little at a time. Luckily, I know how to do a few things, like boil water and chop veggies. I don't know much more, but one of my goals this past year has been to try a new recipe every other week. It's worked pretty well, and has helped keep us out of the boring rut of the same ol same ol.

Tonight, I wanted broccoli and cheese soup. We've both had a bit of a cold here the past couple of days, the weather is starting to get better, but it was pretty icky. It seemed like a soup night, didn't it people.

Well, apprently not. I got through 95% of the recipe when I messed it up. I had just put the broccoli in, I could taste my broccoli and cheese soup. It looked good. I tried a tiny tast, but it was missing something. I decided to add a bit of garlic salt, and *POP* off comes the lid and in goes the ENTIRE bottle of garlic salt.

So, I calmly put the pot into the sink, waiting for it to cool down. Juliette had been sitting on the counter helping me cook, but I gave her some bubbles before the last "simmer for 15 minutes" part. When I told her to sit down, and handed her a cut up hot turkey dog, sliced green apples and a cheese stick, she was a bit confused. "What happened to the soup, mom?" Umm, momma messed it up "It was my fault mom?" Nope, not your fault. "Ok, I like hot dogs." Glad she's neither a food critic or the fashion police, since I've been making her wear sweats this entire week.

And no, the turkey hot dog wasn't nearly as yummy as the soup woud have been.

Finding a good inexpensive toy

December 20th, 2007 at 07:22 pm

I forgot all about the gift exchange they do at Julie's school. I think I mentioned it in a previous post, where each child brings in a wrapped toy that they open, but the toy is donated to the school.

So yeah, forgot all about it. And yeah, honesty it wasn't in the budget this month to go out and buy a gift for her school, but it needed to be done.

I stopped by Target two days ago and picked up the cutest twin sets of babies. I thought the sign said $7.67, but it said $17.67 (not including tax). At first, I was just going to deal with it, b/c I knew that I was probably wrong and that I couldn't find a doll for much cheaper. Plus, I like the brand and they are something my daughter owns. I know nothing will withstand 18 three year olds playing with it all day, but these dolls have a chance of lasting, maybe 6 months.

Well, that night a Kohl's commercial came on that all of their Fisher Price toys are 50-60% off. Hmm ... maybe I can go and check them out. It couldn't hurt.

Scored the same set of babies for $10.67 (including taxes) I saved over $7 by driving .5 miles away. Of course I returned the other babies to Target, which was on my way home.

I feel accomplished. AND, I won't look too cheap since Kohl's prints the prices directly on the box, so the daycare will think I spent $19.99 plus tax on the silly dolls. I really don't know who would spend that kind of money on a set of dolls, but they were the last pair, so somebody did.

My take on the $20 challenge

December 20th, 2007 at 04:18 pm

I would REALLY love to get out of debt. This is something that is most definately in the foreseeable future, and I know I have to take a good long look at my expenses to be able to accomplish this. SO, I decided to slightly twist the $20 challenge a lot of you all do to fit my needs.

I know a lot of people are going to start on Jan 1st, but ... I am taking a leaping head start of a week and a half. From now until Jan 3rd, I'm booked. Completely booked. Since this is my last day off for about two weeks, I picked today to sit down wit myhandy dandy budget and work everything out.

My second savings account is where I am going to be keeping all of this money. It is at a local credit union, and it really won't be hard at all to make a weekly pit stop here to donate funds.

I know this money is supposed to "grow" but lets be honest, the amount I am being charged in interest on my debt will make any grown man cry. These debts need to be tackled as quickly as possible. So, my take on the challenge will be that every month, I will withdraw this money from said savings account and pay extra to my creditors. I am going to start throwing money at the so quickly there silly little heads will spend. YAY!

My rules of the challenge are:
$1 will be put into the challenge:
* I have a no spend day
* Whenever I write a check
* I bring my lunch to work
* When I hit 10,000 steps on the pedometer
* When I loose one pound.

Each week, when I go to the local credit union, a check will be written out to hit these totals. I will keep track of this in my little calendar I bring with me everywhere. I figure if I do this weekly, the money will seem less to me, than if I did it once a month.

Also included in the challenge are:
*all change collected over the course of a month
*any "extra" dollars. This might not make sense to some, but what I do with my tips is round them down to the nearest tenth, so any "extra" dollar is shoved into my change jar. This money adds up QUICK.
*any grocery savings. I know this is debated by some people as actual savings, but when I see what I "saved" after coupons and special deals, it's usually a bit of money. I am going to pay myelf back with it.
*any rebates
*all survery money and any mney from paid sites
*anything that I sell on ebay, or in garage sales or at the consinment shop
* and the BIG one ... all of my paychecks from Cracker Barrel are going to be funneled into this account. I pick up my check every Thursday (they don't have direct deposit) So every Thursday I will be making a nice hefty deposit into my credit union.

Can it be done?!!? I think so. I really hope it can be done. I need for it to happen. So, I am going to make it happen.

Exhaustion has set in

December 16th, 2007 at 06:51 am

Tonight was one of the busiest nights we've had in a LONG time. WOW. My feet and my bones and everything ... hurt. Sigh. I made $150 tonight, which is the most I think I have ever made in a single shift.

And, since I was so tired, I didn't stop at the store for gas. Finally, a $0 day! I need a lot more of these this month, but I don't see it happening. Sometime this week, I have to get a doll or something for Juliette's school. They don't exchage gifts, but each child brings in a toy for the classroom. I think this is a good idea to get new and exciting things for the kids to play with. I also need gas, probably tommorrow .. and I really really need to order Juliette's birthday present. I am leaning towards Princess dresses, but they aren't on sale right now. Sigh.

I have a day off on Wednesday ... I wish it was tomorrow.

Be careful what you wish for ...

December 15th, 2007 at 05:46 pm

My mom is a very loving person. She has complained for years about how Christmas Eve dinner is always done at my grandmother's house. She complains mostly to my father and I ... but she would never take a step up and do anything about it.

My dad is a firefighter, and this year is his turn working Christmas Day. With my brother in Iraq for the second Christmas, my mom has been having a hard time with the holidays. Adding into the fact that my dad won't be home ... well, she was on the verge of loosing it a little.

She came up with the grand scheme of having Christmas Eve dinner at her house, and inviting my grandparents and my cousin over *we're the only ones left in the state*. This is the same grandmother who hasn't spoken to me since I had Juliette ... she's a real doll. At first, she said no, she wouldn't be coming. My mom, who never would have done this in the past put her foot down and said "Fine, see you after Christmas." My grandmother, having her bluff called, back down and agreed to come over.

I just got a frantic call from my mom, who now has to have the house clean and fixed up in 9 days. LOL. My dad's "honey do" list is over a mile long, but she's happy. I'm happy I don't have to drive over to Lakeland and I'm really happy that my mom gets to spend Christmas the way she wants to. But seriously, be careful what you wish for.

The joys of a toddler

December 14th, 2007 at 07:55 am

Juliette and I were discussing things last night, how fun it was to see Santa, how she's gotten tummy aches a couple of times this month ... normal silly stuff we actually talk about now, when it hit me ...the poor child hadn't gone #2 since Saturday.

So, I panic a little. I sent her to school today hoping there would be some sort of activity ... feeling like a bad mom that it took me so long to realize that there hadn't. After work today I picked her up, and no poop. Off to the store, for some juice. I laughed after we spent 1/2 an hour there, buying more junk we don't need. After checking out, she unbuckled herself from the cart and ran off towards the bathroom "You stay here mom!" I waited, but she was playing around ... so I went in after her. She was embarrassed, b/c she had finely gone, but in her panties. Oh, how I wish she had gone 30 minutes before ... you know, before stopping at the grocery store "for just one thing!" and walking out with $50 of junk. Luckily, most of it is things we'll use, and makes up for what my roommates took. Of course, cookies were on sale BoGo, which we didn't need, but were a nice treat.

At least we don't have to go to the doctors tomorrow! Tonight going to bed she looked at me and said "Tomorrow I'm sleeping in my bed without you." Cross your fingers everyone, I would love to sprawl out in bed by myself for one night. I can't believe she'll be three in less than three weeks.

Why you should always listen to your mother

December 13th, 2007 at 12:02 am

I knew living with roommates wasn't going to easy, and I can safely say I will no longer be friends with this person after I move out. That's sad to say, but it's true.

First, lately they have been giving me a majority of the money for the bills that I pay. They were short $10 for rent and $4 for cable. Both of these bills came out of my account on the same day, luckily I budget my bills to have "extra" or I would have been really short. I asked three times for the money from rent and just had to ask my roommate for the second time for the $4 for cable. I know, it's "only" $4, but if I hadn't had enough money in the account, we all know that my bank would have charged an overdraft fee. I put my foot down and told her that I will not be accepting partial payments from her or her boyfriend. He also tried to say that he didn't order any movies this month, but they were on the bill. I refuse to pay for these and they want me to fight it with the cable company. No, the cable company even says it was ordered on their box, they will pay.


Also, her boyfriend has been eating my food. I don't make a lot of money. I shop once a month, other than for milk and fruit, and I shop with coupons and sales. My daughter is almost three, if you have never had the fun of having a three year old, they can be ... picky. Her boyfriend ate all of the ravioli and spaghetti o's that I had bought for my daughter. These are "treats" for her, b/c most of our food is cooked homemade. This really angers me ... but ... I only have until Feb, and then I am moving in with a different set of friends. This is something I am up in the air about b/c of my not so good roommates, but Margaret and I had a long talk today about what we expected of our roommates. Plus, they have a child, so they know what to expect with a child in the house.

So, my mom was right ... again. Don't live with people ... unless you don't mind them shortening you money and eating all of your food.

December Goals

December 4th, 2007 at 05:56 am

This month is pretty simple ... don't spend money! There are a fewthings I need to buy for Christmas ... but nothing serious. I think I might buy Juliette some art supplies and possibly some dance clothes ... plus py off the bike at layaway. The rest of my family is uber lame when buying gifts ... so they all get giftcards. We aren't your typical "Oh, I'm so happy to see you!" type, it's more like an obligation. Gosh, that sounds horrible, but it's really how my grandmother makes me feel, so I don't put a lot of thought into her gift (I should add that my grandmother is my dad's stepmom who decided that when I got pregnant *and wasn't married, gasp!* that she didn't approve and won't speak to me.).

Also, I am going to be better here with tracking no spend days.

I'm very proud that I have mostly completed my 2008 goals, and will post them in the next week or so.