Home > Julie's new daycare

Julie's new daycare

September 20th, 2006 at 04:42 pm

So, I enrolled Juliette last night at the new daycare.

I was so pleased just walking in there. Have to keep reminding myself that you PULL the front door. LOL.

It's so home like. I can see Julie growing there, and that's what I was looking for.

There are going to be 12 kids in her class, and two teachers. She has to pack her blankie and pillow up after naptime everyday, which is cute. She's very into helping with chores around the house, so this is right up her alley. They eat lunch in a lunchroom, so that will be cute for her. Thursday, the meal is country fried steak, mashed potatoes, peas and peaches ... I don't even eat like that for lunch!

The daycare is on 6 acres, and they have a farm there. They have five cows, a bunch of rabbits, a couple of goats, some pigs ... and the kids get to go down there and actually meet and greet with the animals. They go down about once a week at her age group. This is great, Julie is such an animal lover.

On the budget front, I wasn't expecting to pay the $50 registration fee ... but it's normally $75 and they're running a special, so I'll take that any day. Also, daycare is $130 a week, which is ten dollars less per week than her current daycare. That's awesome. The fourth week is half off, which will be put towards good use on my end.

All in all, I'm thrilled. I dropped her off at her current daycare and she started crying immediately. It hurts my heart to leave her, so I'm thrilled that she's starting her daycare on Monday.

We went for her shots this morning. She was overdue, but my insurance for work just kicked in. She was such a trooper! She had to get FIVE, and didn't even cry for the first two. The doctor said "She might be prissy, but she's tough!" This was after our discussion about Julie's "icky sticky" and wiping her hands and mouth after each bite. He says it's just a phase, that worst case scenario, she'll just have good personal hygeine. LOL. The things mother's worry about. She's still above average for height, but below for weight. She's catching up though, she's only a pound below normal. I was told to not worry if she stops gaining, as her growth is about to come to almost a standstill. The only hard part is trying to determine what size she'll be next summer, she's not even all the way in 18 months at 20 months yet. I'm thinking she'll still be in 2T next summer ... sigh.

4 Responses to “Julie's new daycare”

  1. JanH Says:

    They grow up so fast don't they? I hated the shots. But my daughter used to get more upset about the bandaids than the shots. She'd cry and point at it until we took it off. The daycare sounds like a little bit of heaven. I wouldn't mind going there every day! And why is it that I always PULL when i should PUSH and PUSH when i should PULL. Walked into many a door that way!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Hi, my name is Julie too! Glad you got a daycare you love!

  3. kashi Says:

    Oh wow, that daycare sounds fabulous. I hope it is everything you hope it will be!! Smile

  4. mschluckbier Says:

    I am so jealous of your daycare! Although, I'm a SAHm again so I can't complain lol. I was a single mom of 3 for 4 years though, so daycare is a PAIN! leaving them somewhere you aren't happy with and they aren't happy with, but its the best you can do at the time, for various reasons. I can't believe how expensive though! The highest I've paid for my 3 was $185 a week, and that was a killer!

    On the growth note. My kids are all on the peanut side of things, I've found that when I find yard sales with clothes for .25 or so, it won't hurt to buy a variety of sizes. Worst case scenario, they end up on Ebay, best case, all 3 of my boys wear them and THEN end up on Ebay lol. Seriously though, yard sales are awesome, especially for girls clothes, they're SO abundant and generally in great shape!

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