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To do list

September 20th, 2006 at 04:33 pm

To do list:

1. New windshield wipers. Bad. This has to be done this weekend, since they were literally falling apart during the rain storm I had to drive through on the way to work.
2. Oil change. This can probably wait about a week or two, but I would like to get it done as soon as possible. I have had the car for a long while, and haven’t had the oil changed yet. I’m sure it’s do. I’d like to get it done by the end of next week.
3. Pay car insuance. $323.
4. Pay car payment $220
5. Pay hospital bill.
6. Pay bill for doctor at hospital.
7. Pay bill for doctor’s office.
8. Pay bill for after hours clinic.
9. Make list of all bill’s due, and when.
10. Finish budget folder.
11. Fill out paperwork for daycare.
12. Take paper for Julie’s daycare to notary.
13. Clean out car.
14. Vacuum car.
15. Clean Julie’s car seat.
16. Take at least one box of Julie’s clothes down to the consignment shop.
17. Make list for things for Christmas.
18. Pay storage shed.

I think that’s enough to keep me busy for the rest of the week. I really should add “find my cell phone” to that list, but considering I have no idea where on Earth I left it … I don’t want to think about it right now.

I need to also put in my calendar two weeks from now to call about Julie’s flu shot.

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