Home > Back to school? A long vent

Back to school? A long vent

September 22nd, 2006 at 03:07 am

A friend of mine is currently enrolled in Sanford-Brown University, where's she's going to school for medical assistance. Another friend is thinking about enrolling .. so today I went there for a quick chat with one of the admissions counselors.

I currently work 7 days a week ... Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 2-midnight and Sun 8-4. Classes would be Monday- Thursday 6-10pm. So ... Mon-Thur would SUCK, and I would never see Juliette. It's 11 months for the course ... that's a really really long time.

I can't decide if this is the right course for me to take. I know that I have to do something for our future, I can't work two jobs forever.

My parents are moving out of state *going for a year long rv trip is a better way to put it* in two and a half years. I know my mom would watch Juliette, but I'd have to do it before they actually leave.

I'm so frustrated. I really want to do something with my life. I have to do something. I just don't know if this is the answer.

But, I think I have my answer.

I'm going to wait a year. I sound like such a procrastinator. If this is what I really want to do with my life *and put myself even more into debt* .. then I'll give myself a year to pay as much as I can off of my debt. Then, make the choice to go to one job ... and somehow do this.

They do offer a program where I can go just Friday and Saturday .. but I didn't even get into it. I don't know if it's something I am going to be able to do now, and certainly not in the long run.

I've just had a bad day ... I somehow stupidly overdrew my checking account. I'm so frustrated with my self. So tired of bumbling with this.

I keep telling myself that tomorrow is a new day. A brand new wonderful day. Of course, it won't be a no spend day. I spent $68 at Target tonight ... I got my coworkers baby gift (Little Tykes Noah Ark, Binks and a hat *on clearance*) Her theme is Noah's Ark, so this is perfect. Plus, my friend's birthday gift, I bought her a giftcard. I hate giftcards, but I honestly had no idea what to get her. Then, I also had to pick up some new sippy's for Julie's first day at her wonderful new daycare. I have to pick up fried chicken and cake at Publix for tomorrow ... I'm hoping some of my wonderful coworkers will chip in some money. That would be sweet ... but I'm not going to hold my breath. They're cheap.

I work Sat and Sunday waitressing ... I'll probably make about $200 this weekend. Hopefully more. I am going to pay for daycare in cash at least this week ... so I make sure that the check doesn't bounce. Sounds silly, but it'll work I hope.

I have to go to Wal-mart on Sat ... I need to pick up a little pillow and possibly windshield wipers. I might need diapers this week, but I'm pretty sure they'll last until next week. I've got wipes and milk. Funny that these things are important to a mom, but really, those are the most important thing on my list.

She needs clothes. This morning, it was in the 60's down here *67 probably*. That might not sound cold to you, but to Florida at this time of the year we were surprised. Funny story, she has NO winter clothes! I dressed her in a pair of 12 month pants and they fit fine in the waist, but were about an inch to short. I HAVE to go through her clothes this weekend to consign them ... and pick some more up.

Long enough ... I believe. Off to watch my recorded showing of the office. I have to have something to gossip about at work tomorrow.

4 Responses to “Back to school? A long vent”

  1. JanH Says:

    Wow. You have a heavy schedule. Give yourself credit for taking such good care of your daughter. And be sure and take care of yourself, too!

  2. ima saver Says:

    What do you do during the week, job wise?

  3. reginaastralis Says:

    I work for a student loan consolidation company ... 8-5, shuffling papers.

    This is NOT something I see myself doing forever, or heck, for much longer.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Have you looked into correspondence school? There are some really good ones now and medical assissting is a fairly common course with them. Some regular colleges offer all internet classes, too. This may be another avenue you can look into that will allow you to be home more with your daughter while you go to school.

    Do you still live with your parents? If you don't would they allow you to move back in so you wouldn't have to pay rent while you go to school? That might ease the work pressure a bit.

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