Home > Need to make lunch

Need to make lunch

September 28th, 2006 at 05:15 pm

This morning, bought a piece of turkey sausage from downstairs *with change*. It cost $1.06. How ridculous is that? I couldn't believe it when the lady said it.

I need to start making my breakfast for the week. That's my goal for this weekend. To make lunch and breakfast for work everyday.

I'm thinking about picking up some sourdough bread at work tonight and some of the awesome blueberry syrup and making enough french toast to freeze. I have plenty of egg whites that I could make and freeze and just have to refreeze at work the next day.

The problem comes with lunch. I need to find easy things that could be frozen, but reheated easily enough. I don't want to get stuck eating the same things everyday.

I'm picking up an extra shift tonight at Cracker Barrel, which is good news. Really good news.

2 Responses to “Need to make lunch”

  1. mountainmist Says:

    Don't scrimp on the ingredients for making your own meals, you don't want to feel that you're punishing yourself - the best way to save money long term is to have really exquisite homemeade meals, then who'd want to go out to any restaurant, anyway?

    Blueberry syrup on French Toast sounds really good, and don't forget some quality coffee or tea, and don't scrimp on the orange juice, it's not gonna cost you three-PLUS bucks for a 6 oz. glass. Smile

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    I used to make meatloaf in muffin tins and then wrap them and freeze them, just take out what you need for lunch as you go.

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