Home > 2007 goals

2007 goals

January 2nd, 2007 at 02:06 am

Most of my goals for this year are really aimed to helping me with 2008. I really want to go back to school. I can't wait to go back actually, and I want to be ready by spring semester of 08. I plan on going back just about half time, if I can afford it. Enough to be able to not have to repay my student loans while in school.

1. Get my own place. Michael and I are discussing moving into an apartment or renting a house as early as next month. I'm not sure if this will work, but this is a potential goal.
2. Save $5000 in cash. It's a lofty goal, but I have been pretty determined to start setting aside money. I plan on making exact tasks on how to save this money in my next post.
3. Reopen a checking account. Having to pay for everything in cash has made me VERY aware of my money.
4. Open two ING accounts. One for my emergency fund, one for Julie's college savings. If her darling father ever sends some child support, this money will go into this account. I have officially filed for child support by the way.
5. Majorly reduce the student loan debt I have from when I attempted and failed to go to school before. These loans are currently in default, but are being consolidated to take them out of default. I have less than $3000 in student loans, so I really want to hit them hard.
6. Pay off my credit card debt. I need to get the exact totals, but I have less than $1000.

Good luck to 2007. I can't wait for 2008.

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