Home > Taking a better job

Taking a better job

January 18th, 2007 at 03:38 am


My coworker is leaving our company and I was thinking about taking her old job. It's something I could really enjoy doing, but I'm not sure if I want it.

With everything going on right now ... looking for an apartment and potentially moving as soon as an apartment comes available ... I don't think I am the right person to take it right now. It's not something I can concentrate on learning ... and it's a lot of things to learn.

So then she went into this speal about possibly moving on with the company when we expand in a couple of months. BLAH. And then the yearly raise in March. BLAH again. Sorry, I don't like having a carrot dangled in my face.

I'm seriously thinking about looking for a new job. My boss is so .. .unprofessional. But again, now's not the right time. When is it the right time?

I know I'm always going to have horrid bosses .. I'm just hoping it's better when we're not all in the same small room.

5 Responses to “Taking a better job”

  1. baselle Says:

    You can talk yourself out of doing anything. Right now you've told me that you dislike your boss and you're worried about whether you can make time to handle the new responsibilities. What would you like about the new job? Does it pay more? Would have a different boss? Tell us more....

  2. fern Says:

    Good job opportunities don't come around that often, particularly when they're within your own company. consider it carefully; the stress you may be feeling now about your pending move is only temporary, and you might regret not taking the other job down the road due to short-term consideratoins.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Now that you are no longer getting an apartment to move in with your now ex-boyfriend, what is the rush to moving out of your parent's house? Maybe it would be better for you to take this job right now while the opportunity is there and move out later in the year after you've gotten your bearings with the job. Having more pay would make it easier for you to get on when you do move out. Plus you would have some more time to build up an emergency fund. I know there is a need when you are young to get away from your parents, but wouldn't it be better to do it when you are more financially stable? There would be less risk of you having to move back home with them because you miscalculated or couldn't handle it yet.

  4. reginaastralis Says:

    Honestly, the reason I have to move out of my parents is b/c it's time. I won't say that it won't be hard, but I've been back here since becoming pregnant with my daughter. It was always supposed to be just a temp thing ... stay here until I get back on my feet. Well, it's been three years. It's offically not temp anymore.

    Julie and I share a tiny bedroom, I feel smothered ... plus there's the whole two mom thing going on. The only reason Michale and I were going to move in together is because he needed a place to stay anyways ... his lease was coming up. I was still planning on moving out this spring, and it's something I will continue to do.

    I decided to not take the job b/c I am seriously thinking about leaving my current job. Everyone agrees that the job will be easier when we move into our new building. I've committed myself to giving it six more months, and if my boss is still ... well bitchy .. then I'm leaving.

    I sound like a rash decision maker, which is funny b/c I'm such a planner.

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    Okay, well it sounds like you are moving for good reasons then.

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