Home > Almost a no spend day

Almost a no spend day

January 21st, 2007 at 04:49 am

Today was ALMOST a no spend day, and I'm almost ready to count it.

All I bought today was a refurbished Ipod that I was going to buy myself for Christmas, but an emergency room trip to the er and my car being broken into put it on the back burner. I've been funding that fund for a couple of weeks now, and spent $35 on myself ... for once.

I've been pretty down lately, and I have to say it felt good spending money on myself for once. I never spend money on myself, which I find out most mom's don't.

I also spent this morning packing up some of Julie's old clothes and toys to get ready to move. I can't wait to go through them and get rid of a bunch of CRAP.

I'm still debating applying for a new job. They are having an open house on Jan 30th, so I have a couple of days to decide, since I'll have to make up a new resume. I want to stay with my current company, but a $4-5 an hour raise would be really sweet.

I made $100 tonight serving. I'm hoping tomorrow is really busy ... with the way things have been going lately, it's the weekend that should be busy. Here's to hoping

3 Responses to “Almost a no spend day”

  1. Amber Says:

    I have my fingers crossed for you

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    It is very important for mothers to take some time for themselves. We give so much all the time and so seldom take what we need, so doing it once in awhile is necessary, I think.

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    Okay, I'm about to go all "Mom" on you...

    Go and apply for the job - it's good to stay in practice interviewing and seeing what folks are looking for! You don't have to take it after it's offered if it isn't right for you. But, if you stay home you'll never know what might have been.

    Do the interview for Julie. The extra money could go a long way towards a stable life for you guys that much quicker!! Explore the options. It's worth the effort to update the resume for Julie's sake, and won't be wasted effort because you'll get that much faster at updating it and more insightful about yourself and what type of life you are wanting to create for your family. Just like doing a budget, it will help you focus on where you've been, and where you'd like to go and how is what I'm doing now helping me to get there. I wish you loads of 'did the work, now I'm prepared' luck!!

    Okay, now that didn't hurt much did it? Big Grin

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