Home > Welcome in Feb

Welcome in Feb

February 2nd, 2007 at 06:01 pm

I went ahead and opened a bank account last night, though I am really serious about doing this year as "cash only" as possible to make myself more aware of my money. See, I'm getting a great return in this year and I can't wait to have it direct deposited into my account. PLUS, since I'm living with my friends when I get the new place *possibly* it will make me feel better being able to sock money into an account.

Speaking of the above, my friend and her boyfriend asked if I would be interested in renting a house with them. I am more than ok with the idea ... since it will mean that my rent will be around $300-400 a month, instead of $700-800. We're looking at either three or four bedrooms, so that Julie will have her own room. We might have another friend of ours in the fourth bedroom, or we might keep it as "the boys playroom" as we jokingly call it since her boyfriend and all of our friends are really into playing video games and we would never be able to watch tv in the living room. It looks like the move out date would be April, and since it's not looking like I will be able to find a place open before that ... it looks like the best decision.

Right now, Julie and I are living with my friend Kim and her husband Hans. They have a six year old son named Brad, who Julie is literally falling in love with. It's so cute. The only complaint I have with it is the drive. I'm spending about double what I usually do in gas weekly. But, I had to get out of my parents house before World War Three started. Long story short, my mother is bipolar ... and I honesly couldn't handle being yelled at any longer for little things. Like Julie accidentally dropping her dinner on the floor ... or spilling her milk. It just got to be too much, so my friend offered us her guest room ... and it's working right now.

I swear, everytime I turn around there is more drama in my life. That is something I am going to work on ending. I wonder if it ever goes away.

Tuesday, my friend invited me out to dinner, and then paid, which was awesome. Our server was a friend of mine who I love to death, so I left him a huge tip since I wasn't paying for dinner anyways. I've been buying lunch and breakfast sine I feel so weird about cooking at my friends place, but I think I am going to buy a few things for lunch this week to save some money.

Sunday is my sister's birthday, and I feel bad since my parents didn't give me enough warning, I won't be able to get off work. She'll be nine, so I don't think she'll honestly miss me. I have to think about something to get her, she wants something for her Ninentdo DS ... kids and there expensive gift ideas.

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