Home > A new start

A new start

April 18th, 2007 at 06:27 pm

So, I did something crazy and unexpected, I quit one of my jobs. The higher paying one. I won't get into it too much, because it's a lot of drama and everything ... but boy, let's just say I wish I could have lasted a little longer with my bosses horrid comments.

So now, I'm struggling. I don't like this feeling! I've had a couple of interviews, and am now just waiting to hear back from someone. ANYONE. Hello, can you hear me? I need a job!

So, since my last post ... I've had a birthday, got my hair cut really really cute, quit my job and realized now more than ever, I HAVE to get better at saving money.

I don't want to ever worry about money again, and I'm worrying now. Stretching, saving and hoping.

Did I mention we sign the lease for our townhouse TOMORROW? I am going to be living with my friend and her boyfriend. We found an amazing little townhouse, big enough for the four of us, for a great deal.

Oh, and I start some distant learning classes on 4/30. Does anyone else feel a panick attack coming on? I feel like I'm drowing, but I know everything will come together soon.

3 Responses to “A new start”

  1. Fern Says:

    If you really hate a job, it's better to let them fire you so that you can at least collect unemployment for a while.

    How will you be able to pay for your share of the townhouse with no job? Wasn't that a risky thing to do?

  2. reginaastralis Says:

    I have another job ... I've had two jobs ever since my daughter was born. I'm crazy about the whole "work two jobs" thing.

  3. homebody Says:

    If you had a good reason to quit, like harrassment or something, I think you can still collect unemployment. Nothing wrong with a phone call.

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