Home > Health insurance ... or lack thereof

Health insurance ... or lack thereof

November 7th, 2007 at 07:12 pm

I finally qualify for health insurance through my job. The open enrollment period is this month. I was thrilled, until I saw how much it is going to cost.

Right now, my daughter is on state paid health insurance. I pay $15/month. I don't have health insurance.

The new plan will be $75/week for her and I. OMFG, are you kidding me?!?!? For me alone, it's $21/week. My mom used to work in insurance, so I will have her help me pick out what plan I should get and what all it will really mean, but I honestly feel like a horrible person b/c I canNOT afford to add my daughter to the plan.

As it stands right now, I have half my paycheck deducted into my 401k. My paychecks are usually $40/wk (remember I'm a server). This money would be automatically deducted for insuance, so I would still owe them $35/week. At an extra $140/month, I just can't afford that right now. I'm barely squeaking by as it is.

I just ... ARGH! I am so frustrated. Honestly, everytime I think I am getting things together ... something new comes up. I'm really getting tired of this "game".

2 Responses to “Health insurance ... or lack thereof”

  1. princessperky Says:

    Our health insurance would be 1000 a month..or 200 a week.

    So look on the bright side, it could be worse Smile
    You might be able to find independent insurance for less than the work plan, it will be less help, but it will cover the 'big stuff' and cost less in the mean time. ours right now is less than 200 a month to cover three kids...should be less for one mom one kid. Especially if you do not need to pay for maternity coverage.

  2. reginaastralis Says:

    Wow! Thanks for pointing that out. I would literally sit down and cry if it was $200/week. I don't know how people do it.

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