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Why you should always listen to your mother

December 13th, 2007 at 12:02 am

I knew living with roommates wasn't going to easy, and I can safely say I will no longer be friends with this person after I move out. That's sad to say, but it's true.

First, lately they have been giving me a majority of the money for the bills that I pay. They were short $10 for rent and $4 for cable. Both of these bills came out of my account on the same day, luckily I budget my bills to have "extra" or I would have been really short. I asked three times for the money from rent and just had to ask my roommate for the second time for the $4 for cable. I know, it's "only" $4, but if I hadn't had enough money in the account, we all know that my bank would have charged an overdraft fee. I put my foot down and told her that I will not be accepting partial payments from her or her boyfriend. He also tried to say that he didn't order any movies this month, but they were on the bill. I refuse to pay for these and they want me to fight it with the cable company. No, the cable company even says it was ordered on their box, they will pay.


Also, her boyfriend has been eating my food. I don't make a lot of money. I shop once a month, other than for milk and fruit, and I shop with coupons and sales. My daughter is almost three, if you have never had the fun of having a three year old, they can be ... picky. Her boyfriend ate all of the ravioli and spaghetti o's that I had bought for my daughter. These are "treats" for her, b/c most of our food is cooked homemade. This really angers me ... but ... I only have until Feb, and then I am moving in with a different set of friends. This is something I am up in the air about b/c of my not so good roommates, but Margaret and I had a long talk today about what we expected of our roommates. Plus, they have a child, so they know what to expect with a child in the house.

So, my mom was right ... again. Don't live with people ... unless you don't mind them shortening you money and eating all of your food.

3 Responses to “Why you should always listen to your mother”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    How maddening!

  2. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    Put your stash of food in separate brown grocery bags in the pantry (with your name on it written BIG), and in separate plastic bags in the fridge if possible. Maybe it will deter the BF from more obviously going into someone else's labelled bags.

  3. M E Says:

    I used to have 2 other roommates. The one roommate was notorious for eating anything/everything she could get her hands on. And if you had, let's say a 4-pack of chocolate pudding cups, she couldn't/wouldn't eat just one at a time,(meaning 1 a day) she'd eat all 4 at once! Even more maddening than that was the fact that she would feel bad/guilty and would replace the item(s) but would inevitable wind up eating them (again) as well. And when asked to replace them (again) she had the gall to say, I already did. @@ Replacing them and then eating them doesn't absolve you of anything.

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