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Finding a good inexpensive toy

December 20th, 2007 at 07:22 pm

I forgot all about the gift exchange they do at Julie's school. I think I mentioned it in a previous post, where each child brings in a wrapped toy that they open, but the toy is donated to the school.

So yeah, forgot all about it. And yeah, honesty it wasn't in the budget this month to go out and buy a gift for her school, but it needed to be done.

I stopped by Target two days ago and picked up the cutest twin sets of babies. I thought the sign said $7.67, but it said $17.67 (not including tax). At first, I was just going to deal with it, b/c I knew that I was probably wrong and that I couldn't find a doll for much cheaper. Plus, I like the brand and they are something my daughter owns. I know nothing will withstand 18 three year olds playing with it all day, but these dolls have a chance of lasting, maybe 6 months.

Well, that night a Kohl's commercial came on that all of their Fisher Price toys are 50-60% off. Hmm ... maybe I can go and check them out. It couldn't hurt.

Scored the same set of babies for $10.67 (including taxes) I saved over $7 by driving .5 miles away. Of course I returned the other babies to Target, which was on my way home.

I feel accomplished. AND, I won't look too cheap since Kohl's prints the prices directly on the box, so the daycare will think I spent $19.99 plus tax on the silly dolls. I really don't know who would spend that kind of money on a set of dolls, but they were the last pair, so somebody did.

5 Responses to “Finding a good inexpensive toy”

  1. monkeymama Says:

    If you have a Ross or MArshalls they always have toys deeply discounted. We do most of our toy shopping there. (Just rip if the Ross stickers - hehe).

    Just FYI for next time. Wink

  2. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    Don't EVER be afraid to take the original purchase (with the receipt) to the store WITH the competitor's ad and ask to match or refund the difference. Target probably does. I know the hardware stores do. We are pretty aggressive in this respect at home.

  3. reginaastralis Says:

    Hmm ... I didn't even think of this.

    Kohl's didn't have an ad in print, but I will keep this in mind for next time.

  4. Amber Says:

    Good for you I would have done the same thing

  5. HelpMeFriend Says:

    I know people who just buy things, never looking at tags, prices, or anything. They just grab and swipe.
    This is not the case with me, but they are not charging it, they actually have enough money to not care.

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