Home > First addition

First addition

December 23rd, 2007 at 06:08 am

$20.00 - beginning balance
+49.27 - paycheck 2/20
_ _ _ _
$69.27 - $20 challange

Most of my paychecks go straight into my 401k, however two weeks ago I realized I am making the same amount of money as new servers. At Cracker Barrel, you get a .05 raise for every "par level" you reach. When we got bumped up the the new server min. wage, they never bumped up my raises. I really wish I had noticed this ... I don't know, a year ago. However, my paycheck went up like $15.


On an interesting note, I have somehow managed to make even numbers in tips the past two nights. Weird.

6 Responses to “First addition”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    What do you get paid an hour now? I was a waitress for many years, 20 years ago. we got paid $2.01 an hour.

  2. scfr Says:

    Can you ask them for a retroactive adjustment? If the pay scale is standard company policy, it seems they ought to go back and make an adjustment?

  3. koppur Says:

    Congrats on the first addition to the $20 challenge! Once you get going, you'll be looking everywhere for ways to add to it! Smile

  4. Nic Says:

    koppur, you couldn't have said it better!Smile

  5. reginaastralis Says:

    Ima - I make $3.80 an hour to serve, plus tips obviously. Standard serving rates in Florida are $3.65

  6. Amber Says:

    i agree with scfr, see if it can be adjusted and congrats!!!!!

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