Home > $50 Christmas Gift

$50 Christmas Gift

December 25th, 2007 at 07:20 pm

My grandfather always "slips" me money for Christmas. Ever since having my daughter, my grandmother refuses to get me anything, let alone wish me a merry Christmas.

This year, my grandfather slipped a card into his back pocket and waited until my grandmother left the room to make herself a plate for dinner, when he thrust it into my hand. It tickles me that he does this on the sly, and saddens me so much that he has to do this. She has no idea that he does this. I don't know where he gets the money from, I know he has some since he still rises before the sun to go to yard sales and such ... so it's "his" money.

$69.27 - $20 Challenge
+50.00 - Wonderful Gramps
- - - -
$119.27 - 12/25 total!

The money will go into the "$20 challenge" and this month my brakes will get fixed! WOOT! I also may get an oil change with the money, and POSSIBLY new tires if I can stretch the budget.

Gosh, I am still tired from last night. So tired! Next year, I will wrap BEFORE Christmas Eve. I swear.

1 Responses to “$50 Christmas Gift”

  1. Amber Says:

    that was very nice

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