Home > Christmas lesson learned

Christmas lesson learned

December 27th, 2007 at 01:25 pm

I was really good this year when buying presents for Juliette. I knew she would get overwhelmed with too many presents. I also knew that buying her things from the $1 store or from the thrift store would be fine.

However, my mother didn't learn. JEESH! I walked into pesent overload. It was a wee bit terrifying. We almost couldn't fit Julie into the car to bring her home yesterday!

And sure enough, wth 10 or so presents left, my daughter refused to open anything else. She wanted to play with her blue kitchen, and she wanted to play with it NOW.

My mom promises she's scaling back next year. Let's see. Julie's birthday is less than a week away, and I still haven't bought anything for her yet!

3 Responses to “Christmas lesson learned”

  1. miclason Says:

    hmmm...if your Mom goes overboard with presents, just give Juliette her "party" (cake and decorations) and maybe a new set of clothes...there'll be more than enough presents anyway! (I haven't bought Ale a "real" b-day present in years...she gets so many, she doesn't even notice - and if she does, I tell her: the party was my present!)

  2. fern Says:

    well, you could just save those unopened presents and give them to her for her birthday.

  3. reginaastralis Says:

    My grandmother buys almost all of Julie's clothes. It's a godsend, and it cracs me up that she refuses to speak to me.

    She ended up opening the rest of the presents throughout the day. For her birthday, I ended up getting her "Happy Feet" (her favorite movie) and some stickers. I am leaning towards getting her a princess dress as well. We are also going to visit my grandmother on the east coast that day and the space shuttle is scheduled to go up. We might make a picnic lunch and go chill on the beach to watch.

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