Home > Best $1 spent

Best $1 spent

December 29th, 2007 at 01:05 am

Occasionally, like every other month, I stop at Goodwill on my way home, and browse their movie selection. See, we have this old contraption called a VHS player ... and Goodwill sells tapes for $1. I saved some for Christmas ... but now we have nearly every Disney (Princess)classic.

Do you want to know what my daughter is doing right now ... yep, she's downstairs watching something I paid $1.07 on (silly taxes). And she's quiet, and leaving me alone for a minute so I can input my money spent today and have this silly thing called "a moments peace."

My neighbor came over on Christmas and saw Julie's box of "new" movies (I think I bought her eight) and told me how her boyfriend's daughter hadn't appreciated the gift of used movies. She actually said "What, it's used. This isn't even rewound." Juliette proudly told her all about her new movies, and my neighbor promised to keep an eye out for any I don't have.

The best part, other than the few minutes I can spend alone, is that these things are "classic". We have "Snow White" in it's first release on VHS, with Roy Disney in the beginning, talking about how this was such a change, to be able to view your favorite movie at home. I'm a Disney nerd, so watching these old interviews with Imagineers gets me a bit giddy, remembering when I was younger and my only dream was to work for the Mouse himself.

I'm off to go join my little one ... she wants to watch the Jungle Book tonight.

3 Responses to “Best $1 spent”

  1. JanH Says:

    My kids so loved those VHS Disney movies. I passed them on to DD when she moved away. I still get a kick out of remembering her imitating Alice in Wonderland or a character in Robin Hood. My absolute favorite was Winnie the Pooh.

  2. nance Says:

    It is so great that you are rearing your little girl to appreciate what she is given, used or not. Sounds like your neighbor's boyfriend's daughter has already been spoiled. It is sad when a young child's views become tainted so early.
    You are a good mom!

  3. reginaastralis Says:

    Thanks Nance!

    Said sme neighbor came over tonight with half a loaf of bread from some Spanish bakery. She knows my daughter LOVES bread, so she brought it over for her. Juliette was so thankfl, and I think it makes my neighbor happy since she probably isn't going to be getting any grandkids.

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