Home > Goodbye 2007

Goodbye 2007

December 31st, 2007 at 02:44 pm

Seriously, so long. You've been a really rough year. I've seen too many deaths this year, and not enough births. You've had my brother over in Iraq for nearly nine months, we'd really like him home please. You've dealt me job losses and gains. You've made my daugther grow up waaaaay to fast. It's time for you to move on.

I like even numbers better any how ...I believe 2008 is going to truely be a better year.

4 Responses to “Goodbye 2007”

  1. collegemomma Says:

    Yes! Come on 2008!

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Really hope 2008 will treat you much better than the last.

  3. davera Says:

    Just a little note to tell you I hope your brother comes home soon. In the meantime, please tell him how much we appreciate his serving on behalf of our country. He is a hero for foregoing the easier life he could be having here with his family and loved ones. May God bless him and bring him home safely.

  4. reginaastralis Says:

    Davera - Thank you. He enjoys what he does, and has offered to go twice in hopes of keeping someone home who has a family. Thank you again.

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