Home > The first week of Jan is hard

The first week of Jan is hard

January 6th, 2008 at 10:30 pm

And, no, I don't mean on my personal budget.

Working in the food service industry, and talking to people ... it amazes me how they are able to survive. I've been worried for awhile, thinking about a possible job change, b/c when the economy starts to go, food industry is the first hit. Sorry, but if people don't have money to pay their rent, more and likely they aren't going to come out to dinner. And, if they do ... well, they probably aren't going to be as generous as last month when it was crazy holiday spending.

Yesterday was pretty slow ... really slow. We're in the middle of playoff season ... and last nights game was huge. Today, we started off slow, but I ended up making the "usual" for my Sunday shift. Most of my tips were pretty good, but talking to people ... they are really hurting right now.

I'm hoping the economy can make a turn around, and soon. It's starting to hurt my budget.

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