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Commercialism at it's finest!

January 10th, 2008 at 03:03 am


First, let me start out by stating that I do most of my grocery shopping alone. My daughter feels left out by this, but I usually do it either after getting off of work, or right after dropping her off at school if I have the day off.

Yesterday I brought her to the last store with me. This is not the normal plan, and I wasn't prepared for it.

We're walking through the aisles ... and Julie spots Dora ice cream. "Mom, I've got to have that!" "Umm, why?!" "B/c it's Dora. Dora ice cream." "Ok, and can you tell me what kind of ice cream it is." Blank stare. Yeah, didn't think so.

On to the cereal aisle ... Princess Cereal. "Mom, look ... princess rella cereal!" "Yeah, it's frosted flakes. You can have a box of this that's the same thing, but cheaper. Cheaper is always good." "But mom, it's Princess RELLA cereal."

I don't know how women bring their children to the grocery store with them. I literally wanted to pull my hair out.

Tonight, as we were watching the news, they showed a commercial for Healthy Choice frozen meals "Mom, I want Santa Clause to bring me that!" Yeah, I think I'm creating a monster.

2 Responses to “Commercialism at it's finest!”

  1. db1974 Says:

    This is exactly why we don't have a TV. I think it's a sin how advertisers warp the minds of our young ones. My kids will be exposed to it as they get older, but for right now I think we should let kids do kid things.

  2. reginaastralis Says:

    We really don't watch a lot of tv ... I record things or catch them at my parents house on their DVR while she's asleep ... we watch the news and maybe a video at night.

    The only characters she sees are at daycare during their "down time" at the end of the day when they are having "free play". They don't show tv at her school, with commericals, so I don't know where on earth she picked up the "I want that!" thing. Drives me nuts.

    I'll admit, she knows the princesses from me. I take all the credit/blame in that.

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