Home > Supposed to be a zero dollar day

Supposed to be a zero dollar day

January 24th, 2008 at 11:41 pm


Today was SUPPOSED to be a $0 spend day. I was pretty excited about it.

Then, when I get in the car, my oil light came on. My friend is fixing my brakes, and doing an oil change next week or so, but I have an oil leak and knew I couldn't make it that long. So, I spent $5 on oil.

$5 blew my $0 day.

Then, driving away from the auto store ... my check engine light came on. UGH! Good thing Matt is looking at the car next weekend ... so he can tell me what else needs to be fixed.

I am hoping and praying that we can get things fixed for cheap. Since my friend is doing the work on it ... I won't have to pay the insane amount to get it fixed at the shop. I am also able to buy the parts from a coworkers husband who owns an auto part store. I think I am going to buy used tires this year, probably with my tax refund. I need two new tires for sure, but I think buying 4 used, should get me through for awhile. I don't want to buy a new car anytime soon ... but I don't want to invest in new tires if the car is going to need a lot of money to keep it running.

I figured after the cost of parts at cost ... and then buying Matt and his wife a $25 giftcard for him working on my car, and probably something for their baby due in May, I'm still coming in a LOT cheaper than taking it to an auto shop, especially since I don't have a "trusted" mechanic. I could just see the blood in their eyes when a single mom who barely knows how to check her oil walks into the shop ... thank goodness I have great friends.

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