Home > Plugging away

Plugging away

February 6th, 2008 at 01:07 am

There always seems to be a place to spend money, doesn't there?

This month, I am working really hard at staying out of the stores. Really hard. Don't worry, I am still finding plenty of ways to spend money. Seriously, what's up with that?

I am working on cooking out of our pantry/freezer this month. It's been pretty easy going so far, especially since we're at the beginning of the month ... but I am hoping to be able to get through this month and next with limited amounts of money spent at the store. Since we're moving in two months, it would be silly to move food with us .. unless we have to.

We've been having a lot of fun on Julie's bike. This has to be the best Christmas gift of the year. I thought she would be slightly interested in it ... but she is in love with this thing. I can't get her off the bike. I am thrilled that the apartment complex we are moving to has playgrounds and plenty of sidewalks for riding bikes. I am really thrilled with freebies we've been finding.

My mom took both of the girls (my sister who is 10 and my daughter) to see the Hannah Montana movie this weekend. It's all Julie's talked about. My mom bought her two shirts from walmart and a necklace ... but little girl LOVES Hannah Montana. LOL. Can you believe she spent $15 per ticket?!?! Jeesh!

This past weekend my momma was looking at tickets to see the Jonas Brothers. Two tickets, one for my sister and one for me to take her would have run my mother $88 after all the fees and things. My mom asked me what I would do ... LOL. Well, first I said save it, which she rolled her eyes at ... and then I slightly and not very calmly said "Disney!" For $88 we could get two adult tickets to the Pirate and Princess party. Now, I think $88 is a LOT of money, and I would honestly throw it at my debt ... but this is my mom's money so it's honestly up to her. She is looking into getting a spot for the RV, but it looks like it's out of the plan for Feb anyways since they are booked.

Oh well, what would you do with $88?

3 Responses to “Plugging away”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    My daughter is 10 and is actually to the point where she is SICK of Hannah Montana! Smile

  2. compulsive debtor Says:

    I not only sat through the concert, but I also sat through the movie. I think the movie was a better deal....

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Save it!

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