Home > When it rains ...

When it rains ...

February 8th, 2008 at 03:14 am

So ... I don't have exactly the best car ever. But, I'm learning to love it, and use it to my advantage (as in, if it's running, that's a good thing). With whats coming back in a refund on my taxes, I am paying off the rest of the car and doing some pretty big repairs on the darned thing (new brakes, new tires, oil change (which isn't big, but needed) and who knows what else ...)

So yesterday on the way to Target I go to roll my window up (I live in Florida, and haven't had a/c for almost a year, UGH) ... and nothing. Not a darn thing. Oi! So, this happens sometimes, and I don't want to think anything of it. Run inside Target for the few things I need (and forgot the milk!) and then off to get Julie from school. After getting back home, and playing outside for a little while ... I try the window. Still nothing. Oh crap.

I called my mom, who told me I was pretty much SOL until the morning. So, it was calling for rain and I was just hoping it didn't. Plus, we have racoons the size of dogs living around here, and I was just hoping I didn't wake up to one in my backseat. I didn't have masking tape to do the redneck trick of garbage bagging the window.

Off to my dad's this morning ... and he was able to take the door off without much hassel and put it back on ... and he locked the doors. This is important, since I didn't know the doors LOCKED, ever since my car got broken into LAST Christmas Eve. All in all, took about an hour, and most of it was trying to put the door BACK on. He only stripped one screw, so sometime this week I have to stop and see about getting a new screw.

So yeah, door's fixed ... window is back in the up position (and my dad turned off the motor so I can't be retarded and try to roll it back down ... smart dad) .. so we close the doors ...

With the keys on the front seat.

Are you kidding me!?!?!

It wouldn't have been a huge deal, despite the fact I had an hour until I needed to be to work, and my shoes and everything for work were sitting on the front passenger seat. I think they were mocking me.

I got frustrated and slammed my hands unto the drivers side window, and somehow it magically came down about 1/4". I'm talking about the second window, not the one we just fixed. So, off to find SOMETHING that will be able to work in this tiny crack in the window.

I managed to find a fly swatter ... which after 40 minutes of working ... managed to get the window undone! YAY! I had enough time to get dressed and head off to work, and make it there less than three minutes late. I was about to call into work when my dad managed to get the lock undone. YAY again!

Did I mention that the main reason I went to Target was to get a kitty litter pan? And when I took it out of the car, it was broken? I used a check to pay for everything at Target ... and instead of refunding the money since it was BROKEN, I got a giftcard. I could have waited 7-10 days .. but I took the giftcard and bought a couple of things I had been putting off ... milk, yogurt for Julie, cake mix for Valentine's Day .. nothing crazy.

Of course, I'm really glad I didn't call in. I made $105 today, working 5 hours. $21 an hour .. I can't make anything like that around here without some sort of education ..and that's why I'm scared I'll be a server FOREVER.

2 Responses to “When it rains ...”

  1. JanH Says:

    DS just called me today to tell me that the car he has been using needed a couple of tires to pass inspection. So, I sent off a check to cover it. Then, he called me back to tell me the door handle on the inside of the driver door just fell off in his hand....hopefully, he'll still be able to get one at the dealership there or we'll be looking somewhere for an older model door handle! I agree....these things seem to come in bunches! Hope your car's woes are over for now!

  2. Carolina Bound Says:

    Your story reminded me of my days as a young single mother. Things have gotten better for me, and I hope they will for you, too. Yay for your dad, and I hope that refund check comes soon!

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