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What I learned today

February 13th, 2008 at 03:31 am

Whew ...

I love Florida. Today we were hit with a monster of a storm (though, not nearly as bad as other storms have been around the country, thank goodness.)

It all started around 4pm today, right around the time I was getting ready to leave work. That's when they made the announcement to the employees ... there was a tornado warning. Normally, these things don't scare me, but when I am not with my child, well, I get worried. So, I decided to leave (my shift was over, I just didn't want to leave b/c of the storm.) My boss comes up and asks me to stay for a minute, to see if the storm settles a little ... but I am still a little worried since my daughter isn't with me ...

Then my manager comes up to us and says "Remember ladies, if something does happen, the safest place in the building is the walk-in cooler." So ... in case you didn't know, if a tornado is coming, run to the walk-in cooler. I filed this under "Crap I don't want to ever have to use."

So, after waiting for about 15 minutes (the rain finally started letting up) I ran for it. I love how people run through the rain. We aren't made of sugar, you aren't going to melt ... but I ran for it as well. Cracks me up. What, am I afraid I am going to get wet!?!? The drive to Julie's school was pretty uneventful, the traffic was actually doing the speed limit (shocking!)

At Julie's school, they have a great rainy day procedure. You park two cars at a time under the cover and they run and get your child for you. I should mention it was lightning pretty bad at this point. After I got Julie buckled into the backseat, we drove home. Again, people were actually doing the speed limit! I was sooo surprised. I am sure this isn't something unique to Florida, but since most of us are pretty used to horrible weather, people seem to drive like insane morons when it's pouring outside.

We get home ... and was 5:30. It took over an hour and a half to leave work, get Julie and get home. It usually takes 45 minutes. WOW. I decided to check the news ... since we loose power in the house usually with the first flicker of lightning.

Our cable is out ... ugh. I called and called ... and it's out around this area a lot. Strange that I have internet, but not complaining. The only thing I really wanted to watch was the news ... since a tornado hit near my g-ma's. I quickly fixed dinner, and made sure we had candles and flashlights.

So far though, we haven't lost power. YAY! I called my mom ... and supposedly the really bad storms are coming around 2am I don't know how much sleep I will get tonight. Flashights/candles are on the bar just incase. I also made sure there was room for us in the closet ... just in case.

However, my roommmate has come downstairs FOUR times asking if the cable has come back on. She's more annoying than my daughter. LOL.
Me: Did you check your tv?
Roomie: Yeah, nothing. Did you call the cable company?
Me: Nope, not since the last time I called.
Roomie: Oh. Man. I was hoping they would have let us know something by now.
Me: Well, when I called before ... remember, I told you they said a lot of cable was out ... I don't think that's changed much ...
Roomie: Yeah ... I know.

ARRGH. I wish I could sit the roomie infront of "Little Mermaid" that's been keeping Julie pretty occupied.

So ... on to the things I learned toda:
1. Walk-in coolers are reinforced, therefore making them safe during tornados.
2. Roommates can be more annoying than small children if they don't have cable.
3. I have WAY to much stuff in the freezer, so I am hoping we don't loose power for any length of time. Seriously, how many people do I think I shop for?!?!
4. Driving in the rain isn't fun .. but when people do the speed limit ... it's actually a little enjoyable.
5. My windshield wipers make an annoying squeaking noise. Oh, and driving without a/c and with the windows up is HOT.

LOL, needless to say, it's been an enjoyable day. I'm looking forward to tomorrow ... a beautiful day off. Complete with baking cookies to send to the troops and cupcakes for Valentine's Day for Julie and my coworkers. Who says I'm not nice/

3 Responses to “What I learned today”

  1. LadyT Says:

    Your story reminded me of a similar instance in Oklahoma, when all my co-workers and I had to gather on the first floor of our office building in a protected area because there were tornadoes in the area. All I could think about were my kids at home w/their babysitter, half an hour away from me! It was awful. I'm glad you and Julie got home safely, and I hope tonight's storms aren't too bad for you!

    Your roommate story had me LOL! My 13-year-old daughter is the most impatient person I know, but it sounds like your roomie has her beat!

  2. nance Says:

    You have a great attitude! Glad everything turned out well. Have a nice day baking.

  3. JanH Says:

    We evacuated to our DS's for Hurricane Rita, then rode out the part of it they experienced. After the scare of the tornado siren going off, the power and cable went down. Hubby and I just chilled--the day was cool, large windows opened under trees and a board game and books to pass the time. DS went nuts without cable or internet. Drove us crazy. DD had it much worse with overflowing toilets and hotter temps. We had cool temps, water, food, and something to do. But, he was going crazy without cable. Sheesh! So glad you and Julie were okay! I experienced a downburst outside my apartment once that blew out windows. I just had enough time to grab little sleeping DS and run to the bathroom. I would have been nuts if I'd been away from him and not knowing how he was!

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