Home > Good news on the daycare front

Good news on the daycare front

April 2nd, 2008 at 12:15 am

A coworker of mine has one of her daughters enrolled in the local headstart program, and I was practically begging her for some infomation on it. Julie's father has offered to help me pay part of the daycare cost, even though we don't have a court ordered child support enforcement in place, but he wants to pay me around $220 a month and daycare is $540. While his money will help me BIG time ... with the move and everything, I am still looking to be a bit short.

Most of you know I am a server, and I am really honestly, pretty scared about what's going to happen with my line of work if the economy starts tripping. If things are already getting tight over here, I don't think I can make the belt any tighter.

Well, I got a call from my coworker tonight. She has the application and everything I need to turn in. AND, if I get the application in by April 10th, I will be put on the waiting list for the June enrollment. Supposedly from what she was telling me, the program runs 5 days a week at a local elementary school from 7:30am-5:30 pm. It is closed Christmas break, Spring break, and according to my coworker for only 2 weeks out of the summer. It's a free program, which would help soooo much! I also already have an agreement with my friend that she will watch Juliette during the off weeks for $75. I can handle $75 a week!

So, keeping my fingers crossed that I actually am considered to make a low enough wage for this bit of government aid. So far, I've pretty much been laughed at when I apply for anything. I don't make a lot, but I guess I make more than most?!?! I don't know. I also hope that Julie's father actually starts sending me some money every month. Hey, she's only three ... I mean, better late than never, right?

4 Responses to “Good news on the daycare front”

  1. cptacek Says:

    I don't know if you have heard this a thousand times or not. If so, I'm sorry. But, your child's father needs to provide for his child. He says he wants to pay $220 a month. But has he? Is that even reasonable? Should he pay more? Or less? Will he pay that for a few months and then not pay anymore? That is what the court ordered child support enforcement is for. So you aren't the bad guy. The court is.

    Again, I'm sorry, I really am. My sister is getting separated from her husband and they have a 3 year old girl, and I am afraid that she will think she has to be "nice" and not make him pay anything. That is wrong.

  2. reginaastralis Says:

    We're in the process of getting court ordered child support. My daughter's father left when she was five months old (well, technically he left when I was pregnant, and then came back when I was six months pregnant). He has seen her three times since she was five months old, one of those times being last month.

    This is the first time he has ever offered to send money, and it's something I think he will do this time. He seems very sad that he left, and now that we are speaking again, he keeps repeating how horrible it was to have left.

    The $220 isn't a lot, but it's the most he's ever offered. I will gladly take it. Also, according to the paperwork you send in for child support, he would only be giving me around $200/month anyways, since I make a lot more than him. Of course, it's up to the judge, but we are just waiting for our wonderful court date.

  3. kathy Says:

    Headstart usually goes only 5 days a week. Also, parents have to have a big role in this program. I think it is a great great place for children, but before you get too excited, find out all about it, and make sure you are able to really do all they require.

    I too get almost no child support, even when the courts do intervene. He pays them a small amount, and then waits for them to call him in again. So, I hope you get some... but dont ever ever ever base your life on getting it. That way it will always be extra, not something you are counting on.

  4. kathy Says:

    Headstart usually goes only 4 days a week. Also, parents have to have a big role in this program. I think it is a great great place for children, but before you get too excited, find out all about it, and make sure you are able to really do all they require.

    I too get almost no child support, even when the courts do intervene. He pays them a small amount, and then waits for them to call him in again. So, I hope you get some... but dont ever ever ever base your life on getting it. That way it will always be extra, not something you are counting on.

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