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Update on my daughter's "dear" father

April 2nd, 2008 at 09:46 pm

I don't know what else to call him anymore. Scum bag is a pretty accurate term. Sperm donor is pretty mean, but the truth for the most part.

Back in Feb. I met this amazing guy who I began seeing. Amazing guy is well, more than a few years older than me, but we have lots in common. I was complaining to him one night about Juliette's father, how I wanted to go into his job and make a scene. Well, how I honestly wanted to castrate him, but that seemed to be going a bit too far. Jeremy looked at me and said "Why don't you?" I was assuming he was talking about going into his workplace and talking to him, not the later. I realized at that moment I was dragging my feet, being scared of the unknown ... which isn't fair to either my daughter or I.

So, we went to his place of work for dinner one night. I was positvely shaking, so nervous I could barely eat. He came over and said "Hey ... I wish you guys would have told me you were coming." I swear, he actually said that. I looked at him and said ... "Weeeellll, considering I don't have your phone number or address, that's a little hard." He apologized, got my new number and promised to call me.

And he actually did.

Over the course of the next month or so, we've talked a couple of times, but he hasn't offered to come and see her. He's talked to her a couple of times on the phone, but ... even though we live about five minutes apart, hasn't taken it further than that yet. Juliette, once she saw him at the pizza place, hasn't asked to see her daddy anymore. She was getting to the point where she was crying for him, which broke my freakin heart.

During one of the phone calls, James offered to pay me $110 a paycheck to help with her. He's supposed to start after his first paycheck in April ... so, maybe this week sometime? We're currently waiting for a court date on child support, so this is pretty awesome news in my mind. I know not to count my chickens and all, but I am really hoping he's "seen the light" and wants to help out. He has never given any money for her, and when he was around at the beginning, his contributions were a case or two of diapers and some formula. I'll be so freakin thrilled if he actually starts helping.

So, a tiny update ... maybe we'll have lots more to update on by the end of the year. Fingers crossed!

4 Responses to “Update on my daughter's "dear" father”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I pray you do get some help from him...your daughter deserves at least that and more.

  2. terri77 Says:

    I hope that you start to get some financial and emotional support from your child's father, for your sake and hers.

  3. homebody Says:

    In California the local district Attorneys chase down deadbeat deads. My DH has two employees who's wages are garnished for child support. The one thing California seems to have down!

  4. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    One would hope that he'd see the light on his own, but as he hasn't perhaps the courts will hold his feet to the fire!

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