Home > A broken nose!

A broken nose!

April 10th, 2008 at 10:05 pm


Two nights ago, Juliette was sitting in my lap and we were watching tv. On the show, two little friends were fighting, but they made up and hugged. Aww! Until my daughter decided that it would be the best time to hug me ... and smacked me so hard she broke my nose. LOL ... ouch! And this is the second time she's broken my nose, one time it was as a tiny little thing ... maybe right at a year when she head butted me ... on accident again.

The swelling is going down ... and the pain isn't as bad ... but ouch! The thought of them rebreaking my nose sounds pretty ... well, not in the work ... so I'm just dealing with it. I didn't do anything about it the first time (no reason to according to the doctor) and now my nose is just starting to get some "character."

And can I just say that I remember the pain from Julie breaking my nose so much more than the pain from her birth. What's up with that?!?!

4 Responses to “A broken nose!”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:


  2. sillyoleme Says:

    Oh my! Watch out preschoolers... Smile

  3. JanH Says:

    Wow, her hugs pack a punch! Seriously, I hope you are okay!

  4. monkeymama Says:

    It's more recent - that's why - LOL.

    Honestly I am surprised my kids haven't broken me yet. My nose? almost. & that hurt like a ****. I can't imagine what it feels like broken!!!

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