Home > Quick cleaning tip.

Quick cleaning tip.

April 15th, 2008 at 04:29 am

So ... I've been trying to clean the entire townhouse, pack and well, you know ... do the normal things I usually do. My roomies haven't put in any sort of hint of effort ... and that's fine ... whatever. I really need/want my deposit back, so I guess I'll have to do all of the work. Which is why I am terrified about living with friends again ... but my friends are going to own the house, and I've told them if they act like this I will move in a heartbeat (I've been promised about a million times that nothing like this will happen, fingers crossed!)

So, my quick cleaning tip. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are pretty freaking needed if you have a dear little toddler who sometimes let's her paint splash on the walls. I put a dab of hand soap on the eraser ... and *poof* like magic, it was gone. I thought I was going to have to repaint her entire little area ... b/c she gets a little carried away. Nope, it's all gone! YAY! She's also got expo marker on the front door tonight (she was holding it in her hand ang trying to close it after me.) I panicked, tried a couple of different things and then tried the eraser ... Wow, it worked. Right off, barely any scrubbing involved.

Needless to say, I'm sold. It's also worked really well with "Kaboom" at getting our kitchen tile clean ... triple yay! The grout was getting a little, icky, and no amount of mopping was getting it back (what's up with that!) ... eraser and kaboom ... it's almost perfecty white again.

I never in a million years thought I would be this excited about cleaning products ... sigh.

4 Responses to “Quick cleaning tip.”

  1. reflectionite Says:

    i know how you feel (about living with people and then having them not put in any effort when you move out).
    my flatmate at my old place broke his arm the weekend before we were due to move out in a drunken night out (100% his fault - he fell off a skateboard) and so the only thing he cleaned was his bedroom and his toilet. he was even OFFERED help from his older sister, and he said no, he will be fine...(!) oh no, don't worry about the bathroom, the study, the kitchen, the living and dining areas, or the backyard. your other two flatmates can take care of that...
    it's been nearly six months since that happened, but it will take me a little while longer before i forgive and forget! it is terribly annoying and unfair and stressful. my best wishes that everything turns out alright for you!

  2. littlemama Says:

    Yeah, those erasers are awesome. I had just never thought of using them with another cleaner...(DUH). I'm going to put Kaboom on my list right now. Thanks for the tip.

  3. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    OH yes! A neighbor had a cleaning lady and told me the cleaning lady used Magic Erasers. So I went and tried them out, WOWZA! That was a few years ago. (I am the cleaning lady at my house Smile though)

  4. Maismom Says:

    Yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mr. Clean magic erasers!! I got a sample by mail for some reason, and I was so impressed I went to a store and bought some right after I tried. I cannot live without it now.

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