Home > Keeping things in perspective

Keeping things in perspective

April 21st, 2008 at 11:10 pm

Sometimes it's hard for me to stay focused on my initial goal ... to get out of debt. It's easy to get in a mindframe of "Hey, I want to save up money to buy a nicer car." How easily one forgets that said mindset is the exact same way someone got in this place to begin with.

I've been really stressed about the move lately, mainly b/c my roomies are complete slobs and haven't done a THING to clean up ... but hey .. I shouldn't be surprised. However, they are moving SATURDAY! so lots of cleaning onmy end will take place once all of their junk is out of my way. I have to keep reminding myself of Saturday, or I might go crazy. Seriously.

Speaking of the move, I have almost al of our things sorted through, almost all of the laundry is done ... now I just have to actually put things in boxes. YAY! I feel accomplished.

Another thing I have to keep in perspective is tips. Lately, I have been bummed about the money, b/c it's just honestly not what it used to be. However, not only do I have to remember that the economy is down (way down in some aspects) but that I'm honestly not working as crazy ass of a schedule as I have in the past. I used to work 8am-4pm on Sundays and walk out with $130 ... lately I've been pulling 9am-2pm, and making $100. While the numbers aren't the same ...that's still GREAT money. It's just easy to get discouraged when I look at last years number and see the difference. I could go back to te crazy hours ... but I don't know if I want to.

On a good note ... I only used 3/4 of a tank this week. AWESOME! And techinically, that was over an eight day period ... so that's really really good in my book. I put $30 in my tank today, and I am going to try to stretch it for the next week and a half. I don't want to fill up until NEXT Wednesday. Fingers crossed!

4 Responses to “Keeping things in perspective”

  1. pjmama Says:

    That's the trouble with the serving industry... you never really know what you're going to get. Ah well...

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Well, if it helps any, saving for even a car is important right? Whatever it takes to keep motivated in saving....

  3. reginaastralis Says:

    I know ... BA, at least I'm saving. But, I really feel like I should pay down some of the old debt. And then, I get into my car that doesn't have a/c and the windows are funky, and it's on it's last leg, and I start dreaming about a pretty new to me car. Something that isn't black in the Florida sun, with working a/c, and windows that roll up and down, when you want them to. And maybe a latch system for Julie's car seat.

    Oh well, still saving and plugging along, all that matters i guess.

  4. Petunia Says:

    Sounds like you caught yourself before you lost focus - that will only help you in the long run! And there's nothing wrong with dreaming about vehicles that work a little bit better (says the woman with a 15 year old car). You'll get there.

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