Home > My brother's home!

My brother's home!

April 22nd, 2008 at 11:40 am

So, technically not related to my budget at all ... but my brother is back in California after his tour in Iraq. YAY! This is really spectacular news.

He'll be in Florida with us in May for three weeks. My mom is thrilled, though agonizing over what to get him for Christmas ... but all that matters is he is home safe and sound.

Now to get Juliette to react positively to him ... she's been extremely anti-boy for the past couple of months now, and I don't want her to be negative to Will. I think it will crush him.

5 Responses to “My brother's home!”

  1. merch Says:

    If you think it will be an issue, talk to your brother first and pass it off as aphase she is going through.

    That way the air is clear and you can enjoy the visit.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    How exciting to have him home!! I know the feeling well. I also would try to have a talk with him about your daughter's phase. Not that it is for you to decide, but a small gift, might help win her over. Enjoy your time together!

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    How exciting! I know you've been looking forward to his homecoming for some time!

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    I'm glad that he's home.

    I'm sure that if you react positively to your brother, then she will eventually warm up to him as well.

  5. reginaastralis Says:

    Oh, he knows. I'm just hoping that this time will be better for her, the last time he was here, she really started liking him about the day he left. I hope he is able to bond with her better this time.

    Though, we were talking about Uncle Will being home from Iraq and she got all excited. I told her he'll be here in two weeks, and she's thrilled. Hopefully that stays true.

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