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7 years ago

September 11th, 2008 at 10:46 pm

Seven years ago, I was a 17 year old in the beginning of my senior year. I thought I had the whole world in front of me, completely naive, with some pretty big dreams about how I would change the world.

Then 9/11 happened. It's the day that my generation will always remember where we were. Talking to teachers that day, they said we "needed" a day like this, a day where you knew the exact spot you were when you heard the news.

I was walking to homeroom ... and thought it was a joke. A freshman was getting yelled at by his teacher because he was changing the channel to the news. He said "No, seriously, a plane hit the Trade Center." Like his teacher, I had no idea how true and chilling those words would be. We stood staring at the tv, none of us taking our seats ... we all just stood there, and my awesome *complete stoner art teacher* who's homeroom I was in just stood completely shell shocked. You knew it was a big deal to see us all standing there.

I remember how all the teachers were told we were not allowed to be shown the news coverage. And how my psych teacher told them to screw off and showed it to us. I remember coming home and witnessing the biggest fight I had ever seen between my parents, my dad was from New York and a firefighter, he wanted to go and my mom didn't want him to. No one here remembers, but we got hit that weekend by a Tropical Storm ... so the fight I witnessed between my parents was null and void, my dad couldn't get clearance to leave because of the storm.

Looking back, I never thought I'd be here. If you would have told me how much life would have gone on in seven years ... I wouldn't have believed it. I LOVE being a mother, and am so proud of my daughter ... yet am still in awe that I am one. Is that silly? I don't know. How much life has changed in seven years.

Today, I am grieving again. I can't wrap my head around the fact that Jenny's gone. Stunned and silent is the best way to describe the feelings my friends and I are sharing.

An update on Summer for those that are curious: She had/has some major swelling on her brain. They drilled in her skull to help relieve some of the pressure. Both legs, hips and arms were broken in the crash. She has undergone numerous surgeries today. At 3pm, I found out she was going back into surgery because the swelling in her brain had gone down enough. They were inserting pins into her hips.

Tonight they announced that there was a beer in the cup holder of the car that hit Jenny. There was also an undetermined amount of beer cans in the passenger seat. They are awaiting a blood test to determine if she was drunk, but it's looking more and more like it was alcohol related. The woman who hit her is expected to make a full recovery.

Please, if you have babies, double check that their car seats are properly installed. Jenny and Summer were both buckled in, which is the only way Summer has made it that far.

I don't want to depress anyone with these pictures, but when you look at them, you know how amazing it is that Summer has made it this far. Please pray for this little girl, she is simply an amazing little girl.

5 Responses to “7 years ago”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    I'm glad that your psych teacher didn't listen to a stupid thing like that. I'm the kind that wants to know the truth, no matter how bad it is.

    I remember where I was when 9/11 happened. I was still in Police Academy. They stopped our tactical driving class to bring us in and show us the news. We were all really pumped after that.

    Hope that Summer will come out OK. Please grieve all you need to.

  2. monkeymama Says:

    I was shocked by your headline; I didn't realize it had been SEVEN years. Holy cow.

    Not religious, but praying with all my might, regardless. The pictures made me cry - it must be tough for YOU to look at them. I hope she pulls through okay; that poor baby. I just can't even imagine... Didn't you say she was 3? My baby is 3, can't imagine any baby going through that. (I reread - maybe you didn't say her age - but doesn't matter I guess the age - a lot to go through).

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I am imagining little Summer being awake and in that kind of condition in the hospital and what is the first things she does? She calls for her Mommy, of course.

  4. sillyoleme Says:

    I was a freshman in high school when 9/11 happened. I remember being in the computer lab for class (with my then-boyfriend), and the teacher suddenly switching the television on. We all just sat there watching it after the first plane hit, and maybe it's because I'm from a really small town that seemed removed from everywhere... but I didn't realize how big of a deal it would be.

    All through the day, we rarely had any class and every classroom had the news coverage on. My mom freaked out and sent my grandma to pick up my brother & I from school. I remember going back in time for my last classes, and one of the teachers yelled at us for talking during the news coverage. We had no idea what was really going on, or what it meant.

    I am praying for Summer, she has been dealt some very tough cards, but seems to be a fighter. God bless her (and you)!

  5. reginaastralis Says:

    Summer is four ... my little one is three.

    I think the hardest part I am dealing with right now is that Jenny was only six months older than me. In March, and my 25th birthday Juliette will be four. It's so easy to see how any of this could happen to anyone.

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