Home > My accident prone kid

My accident prone kid

September 18th, 2008 at 03:23 am

Yeah, she's three. But seriously, it's starting to get a LITTLE old.

During our hiatus, we took two trips to the local ER. The first one, my daughter got cellulitis on her chest wall. If you've never had the joy of dealing with cellulitis, it looks like a spider bite (I think that's the best way to describe it). They don't know what she did, probably scratched at an ant bite or something, but needless to say, she got a VERY serious infection on her side. Because of this expierence at the ER, she is not willing to go to the doctors or anything of the sort, evening getting her to stand on the scale at home is just now starting to get easier, she associated standing on the scale with the ER.

Luckily, we caught the infection in the first day or so. All they had to do was poke a pretty good point into her side so that I was able to drain the puss out of her skin. YUCK! She was on a ten day antibiotic (which the ER doc prescribed to much of, luckily our regular doctor caught that). Luckily, again, my daughter was amazing during this whole ordeal. We're talking about 3-4 times a day of warm compresses and having her side mashed and pressed. Poor thing. Again, it is completely healed, and I am now one of those crazy moms who uses bandaids and neosporin (sp?) on anything and everything ... lol.

I should also mention that even though my dad retired earlier this summer from the fire department, he is currently working overnights at the local ER. Well, thank goodness for that. The other night after one hurricane day (we had like seven kids under the age of ten at our house because school was cancelled.) I looked up into Juliette's nose to see play-doh. Only, it was a neon green crayon. According to her, three of her friends were in her room and she put the crayon up her nose, and they laughed, so she kept it up there. And yep, it broke off and shoved the entire tip of a brand new crayon up at the top of her nose. Sheesh! Talk about peer pressure. This is nothing like Juliette would normally do ... but get a couple of three and four year olds in the same room, and who knows what they do. Sigh. Again, another trek in the ER where it took my dad, myself, and two nurses to hold her down. She was so angry with us. It took all of five minutes to get everything done (we were the only people in the ER at the time) ... but whew. The person who got the crayon said they had never seen one shoved so high up the nose cavitiy. Leave it to my daughter to do something like that ... lol.

So, luckily, those have been our only trips to the ER lately. Actually, at all. I figure, get them out of the way as early as possible. Of course, so far this week, she's completely busted her entire body running in front of the house in her cowboy boots. She skinned both knees, both hands and her face all up. Then, three days later, she completely ripped open her toe running around outside barefoot (see why your momma tells you to put on shoes?). Then tonight she busted her lip open.

She looked at me tonight and said "Am I ever gonna just stop bleeding?"

Only if we wrap the entire world up in bubble wrap baby.

4 Responses to “My accident prone kid”

  1. miclason Says:

    ...when Nephew was a little kid, the ER staff already knew us so well, whenever they saw us come in they were like> oh, it's you again!...and they would generally refer to him as the last thing that had brought him to the ER (like: Hey, there, Mr. Watch-Battery-Swallower!)

  2. fern Says:

    Oh my gosh. Thank goodness we all have two nostrils!

  3. reginaastralis Says:

    LOL! I didn't think it was a big deal honestly, so I called my dad. He was like ... "Umm, she really needs to be seen tonight Amanda." According to him, she could have aspirated the crayon and ended up choking. I stored that in the "Things I never wanted to learn as a mother" file.

  4. sillyoleme Says:

    Aren't kids stressful? I get nervous just babysitting young kids for a long time. My little brother is the same way though (he's 4 now)... so far he has tripped on a trampoline and jammed one testicle INSIDE of himself, been taken to the hospital for choking on a peppermint candy at church, freaked out so much that he gave himself a respiratory attack, thrown himself off a mini four-wheeler into a metal gate, etc. My mom is the most paranoid mother I know, and he still gets the best of her.

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