Home > Cash only for March?

Cash only for March?

February 27th, 2009 at 11:35 pm

So, I have a crazy goal for this coming month. All of my bills are paid (yay!) ... and there isn't much left sitting in an account waiting for me to find a job ...

So I'm giving myself a budget of $200 next month. I wonder if this is even doable? Usually, I spend $160 a month just in gas ... and that's been while I'm unemployed, we do a lot of driving back and forth to my parents.

So, I have $200 in cash for the month of March. It's kinda ... scary, to be honest. I think it's doable though, at least I hope it it. I know our fridge/freezer and pantry are pretty stocked, I know I'll have to buy somethings in the coming month, but not a lot. We have pretty much everything else I can think of.

My goal is to not use my debit card at all this month. I actually had a freeze put on my card this month from using it so many times. ACK! I was stocking up on some really good sales, so Visa thought my card was stolen. I admit, it was incredibly embarrassing to have my card declined, and knowing there was money in the account, but what can you do? I wish they would call and ask BEFORE putting a hold on your card .. but whatever.

So ... I think this month could end up being interesting. Less driving, no redbox ... and having to explain to a four year old what no means. I swear, she knows, but she doesn't want to listen.

My 25th birthday is in March ... and Twilight is coming out. I might make an exception to the $200 rule for a birthday present, however it would be far more exiciting to try to include it. If I haven't gotten a job by my birthday, I think we'll be going to the zoo. They are doing a birthday celebration this year as well, and while not as cool in our book as Disney, it's a heck out of a lot cheaper.

The only thing that could be hard is my brother will be in town for a couple of weeks ... he was just here for Christmas, but he had to have surgery on his shoulder (or has to, I think it's the 4th), so he's coming out here to rest up. He has a lot of leave available, so I can see us coming out here more to see him, which is the only reason I can see our gas being a problem.

Fingers crossed for March ... maybe I'll finally get a stinkin job!

3 Responses to “Cash only for March?”

  1. momsents Says:

    Good luck! I bet you can do it. I've limited myself in spending only what I need to *immediately* and I have been able to save a lot of money that I usually would have spent on unnecessary stuff. You should update us weekly on your progress.

  2. momsents Says:

    Good luck! I bet you can do it. I've limited myself in spending only what I need to *immediately* and I have been able to save a lot of money that I usually would have spent on unnecessary stuff. You should update us weekly on your progress.

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    Crossing my fingers for you! Let us know how it's going.

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