Viewing the 'Julie' Category
October 11th, 2006 at 05:35 pm
Apprently when you have a child, you have to be prepared for them to drop like flies. I picked her up from school Monday, with a note that she'd been coughing and had a runny nose ... nothing much I think ... so I go out and get some Dimetapp. Get home, give her a dose, feed her dinner, we played some games, cleaned up a bit, my mom came home and she ate some more. 7:30 she crawled into my lap and whined "Momma" and went to sleep.
That is NOT normal for my child.
By 9:30, she was BURNING up. I took her temp, it was 102.3. I had to wait until 10:30 to give her a dose of tyelnol cough and cold ... she slept pretty well on and off through the night.
We woke up the next morning, I made my lunch and breakfast for work, got dressed and grabbed some clothes for Julie ... woke her up. She was sick. You could see it in her eyes ... a couple of weeks ago we were having fevers all night, but she was fine ... I guess I was hoping this was just a viral thing. It wasn't.
I had to call in at work, and then try to get an appointment at her peds. They're a very busy office, and her doctor is the most sought after ... but luckily we got an appointment right away. He checked her out ... she was acting great in his office. Her cough is just drainage, and she has an ear infection.
She's on antibiotics, and at daycare. The fever didn't come back, so she was cleared to go to school today.
I milked what little I had in savings. I had to get gas, a card for my dad's birthday, plus the copay for the doctor's and the prescription. I ended up with a bit left over, so we got McDonald's for lunch. I also bought her an outfit since all of her clothes are getting to be to small and part of her Halloween costume.
I spent just under $50 all day, which isn't bad since $30 went straight to the doctor's and $10 went to gas. $12 was a new outfit she REALLY needed, and I spent $2.50 on her cat ears and tail.
Today is looking to be a no spend day, woot, since I don't have any money to spend. LOL. My brother is going back to Cali this afternoon. I'm a little sad to see him go ... especially since he and Julie ended up getting along so well last night .. she was finally comfortable with him. There was one point in the night that she and Will were reading a book, and she got up and walked around to everyone in the family and pointed to who they were and said their name ... just showing him the ropes I guess. Last night she didn't want to go to bed, she wanted to cuddle with Uncle Will. Too cute.
I just can't wait for him to come back home again ... we won't see him until around my birthday it looks ... though he's not sure with the current state with Korea, if they are going to send him over there or to Iraq. I guess we'll just wait and see.
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October 9th, 2006 at 06:07 pm
So, dinner out with my brother and family got canceled, which is probably for the better. Just money saved on my end, and missing out since they went to breakfast and I was working.
Saturday, I took a box of clothes to the consignment shop ... they only bought 8 items ... so I made $15. Not the best, but most of the stuff we have for her is spring anyways. I think I am going to wait until Feb and EBAY it. I might not make a ton of money off of it, but it will get the clothes out of my hair.
This weekend was slow at work. I only brought home $140 plus my check. Not the greatest weeeked ever. I also ate out twice this weekend, put gas in the car, bought groceries. I also overslept and didn't make my food for work today, so i spent $11 on breakfast and lunch. Though I have enough lunch leftovers that I will eat tomorrow.
Next weekend should be busier at work as well. It seems we're in a pattern, one slow week and one busy week. The busy season should be starting back up soon, just waiting for the snow birds to come back to their Florida homes.
I really need to get an oil change ... I haven't figured out if I can afford it this week ... I think I can. Next week I only have to pay half for Julie's daycare ... which is sweet. With half of the money, I am going back the consignment shop to pick up some pants for Julie. I'm think 18 months should get her through at least half of the winter. Hopefully through Christmas ... we're telling my grandma to buy her 24 months. Hopefully they won't be too big.
I just HATE the weather here! It's too hot during the day (over 100 degrees with humidty) but we start the day with a chill in the air. I don't know if it's too hot for pants yet ... but she needs a sweater.
Tomorrow my parents are both taking off of work to take my brother to Disney. I want to call in ... but I will spend $100 that I don't have ... so it's not worth it. Plus, I'm really hoping to go closer to Christmas ... I LOVE the Candlelight Processional, nothing puts me in the moode for Christmas more.
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September 29th, 2006 at 05:52 pm
I can't think of a god reasonable amount to put aside every month for clothes. With Julie, it's really hard to decide what she needs, how often to buy it, and in what size.
She's small for her age. Some 18 month old clothes don't fit at all ... and some are way too big. Winter is coming up quick, it was cool around here again this morning. It normally doesn't get way too cold until Jan ... but I have a feeling this winter is going to be colder then normal.
Plus, with my grandmother, she always buys WAY to many clothes for her for Christmas and then her birthday that follows a week later. She buys everything up North, and doesn't give a gift reciept. Plus, my grandmother and I are barely on speaking terms, and I wouldn't want to make the relationship anymore rocky buy asking her where I could return the gifts. I'll ask my mother to ask her to buy clothes in different sizes and different seasons ... last year she spent nearly $400 on clothes that Julie had outgrown *or were out of season* within 3 months. I don't want to waste her money.
Tonight, I am going to go through Julie's clothes as soon as she goes to sleep. I plan on making a trip out to the consignment shop early Saturday morning. I want to take at least a box down there with me. Then I'm going to inventory everything that's left and see what we need for winter.
This winter, her coat from last year still fits. This is great news. My doctor was really worried that Julie would get RSV last year, so he didn't want her out much at all last winter. She wore her winter coat like three times, and still ended up getting RSV. She's a lot healthier this year, and at daycare ... so we def need that winter coat. No RSV this year! She was just a day or so away from being hospitalized last year, and that's a fear I wouldn't wish on any mother.
I'm a lot easier. I really need a few more staples for my wardrobe ... but it's nothing that's going to kill me if I don't get it. I have a bit of a "thing" for shoes ... god, I love shoes. I need to "splurge" on two or three more pairs of workpants ... but I'm more worried about getting Julie some clothes.
I've also decided that my move out date from my parents is going to be March 1st, I want to have as much debt paid off as possible, and hopefully have a bit in savings. I really have to start cracking down to get this to happen ...
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September 26th, 2006 at 06:13 pm
Yesterday was a great day. We woke up late *we always wake up late on Mondays!* and I rushed her to her new daycare. The traffic around our town is awful, but it only took 10 mins to get to daycare. During non rush hour trips, it'll take about 2 minutes to get there from the house.
Julie LOVED her new daycare. She was pretty sad to see me go, but according to her teacher had a wonderful day. The note home said she actually tried to eat everything on her plate during lunch time, which is amazing for my picky eater.
Last night, I had to go out and buy the bug spray *which I forgot at home this morning!*. That was $4, and then I was horrid and bought a snack at McDonald's ... I was so hungry. I bought a soda from the gas station, I rarely drink soda so this was a treat. All in all, I spent $7 yesterday. While at walmart, I forgot completely to look at windshield wipers, I don't think I am ever going to remember to look. I hope it doesn't rain today, which it looks like it's going to.
Today, I bought a piece of toast. That's it so far. I was STARVING for breakfast and the cereal I brought from home just wasn't cutting it, so I picked up a piece of toast from down stairs with some peanut butter. Mmmm ... Today spent .54 from my change jar here at work. I'm pretty sure today should count as a no spend day.
I hate Tuesday, they just drag on. I picked up a shift on Thursday at Cracker Barrel ... so I'm just hoping to make it that far.
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September 22nd, 2006 at 04:07 am
A friend of mine is currently enrolled in Sanford-Brown University, where's she's going to school for medical assistance. Another friend is thinking about enrolling .. so today I went there for a quick chat with one of the admissions counselors.
I currently work 7 days a week ... Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 2-midnight and Sun 8-4. Classes would be Monday- Thursday 6-10pm. So ... Mon-Thur would SUCK, and I would never see Juliette. It's 11 months for the course ... that's a really really long time.
I can't decide if this is the right course for me to take. I know that I have to do something for our future, I can't work two jobs forever.
My parents are moving out of state *going for a year long rv trip is a better way to put it* in two and a half years. I know my mom would watch Juliette, but I'd have to do it before they actually leave.
I'm so frustrated. I really want to do something with my life. I have to do something. I just don't know if this is the answer.
But, I think I have my answer.
I'm going to wait a year. I sound like such a procrastinator. If this is what I really want to do with my life *and put myself even more into debt* .. then I'll give myself a year to pay as much as I can off of my debt. Then, make the choice to go to one job ... and somehow do this.
They do offer a program where I can go just Friday and Saturday .. but I didn't even get into it. I don't know if it's something I am going to be able to do now, and certainly not in the long run.
I've just had a bad day ... I somehow stupidly overdrew my checking account. I'm so frustrated with my self. So tired of bumbling with this.
I keep telling myself that tomorrow is a new day. A brand new wonderful day. Of course, it won't be a no spend day. I spent $68 at Target tonight ... I got my coworkers baby gift (Little Tykes Noah Ark, Binks and a hat *on clearance*) Her theme is Noah's Ark, so this is perfect. Plus, my friend's birthday gift, I bought her a giftcard. I hate giftcards, but I honestly had no idea what to get her. Then, I also had to pick up some new sippy's for Julie's first day at her wonderful new daycare. I have to pick up fried chicken and cake at Publix for tomorrow ... I'm hoping some of my wonderful coworkers will chip in some money. That would be sweet ... but I'm not going to hold my breath. They're cheap.
I work Sat and Sunday waitressing ... I'll probably make about $200 this weekend. Hopefully more. I am going to pay for daycare in cash at least this week ... so I make sure that the check doesn't bounce. Sounds silly, but it'll work I hope.
I have to go to Wal-mart on Sat ... I need to pick up a little pillow and possibly windshield wipers. I might need diapers this week, but I'm pretty sure they'll last until next week. I've got wipes and milk. Funny that these things are important to a mom, but really, those are the most important thing on my list.
She needs clothes. This morning, it was in the 60's down here *67 probably*. That might not sound cold to you, but to Florida at this time of the year we were surprised. Funny story, she has NO winter clothes! I dressed her in a pair of 12 month pants and they fit fine in the waist, but were about an inch to short. I HAVE to go through her clothes this weekend to consign them ... and pick some more up.
Long enough ... I believe. Off to watch my recorded showing of the office. I have to have something to gossip about at work tomorrow.
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September 20th, 2006 at 05:42 pm
So, I enrolled Juliette last night at the new daycare.
I was so pleased just walking in there. Have to keep reminding myself that you PULL the front door. LOL.
It's so home like. I can see Julie growing there, and that's what I was looking for.
There are going to be 12 kids in her class, and two teachers. She has to pack her blankie and pillow up after naptime everyday, which is cute. She's very into helping with chores around the house, so this is right up her alley. They eat lunch in a lunchroom, so that will be cute for her. Thursday, the meal is country fried steak, mashed potatoes, peas and peaches ... I don't even eat like that for lunch!
The daycare is on 6 acres, and they have a farm there. They have five cows, a bunch of rabbits, a couple of goats, some pigs ... and the kids get to go down there and actually meet and greet with the animals. They go down about once a week at her age group. This is great, Julie is such an animal lover.
On the budget front, I wasn't expecting to pay the $50 registration fee ... but it's normally $75 and they're running a special, so I'll take that any day. Also, daycare is $130 a week, which is ten dollars less per week than her current daycare. That's awesome. The fourth week is half off, which will be put towards good use on my end.
All in all, I'm thrilled. I dropped her off at her current daycare and she started crying immediately. It hurts my heart to leave her, so I'm thrilled that she's starting her daycare on Monday.
We went for her shots this morning. She was overdue, but my insurance for work just kicked in. She was such a trooper! She had to get FIVE, and didn't even cry for the first two. The doctor said "She might be prissy, but she's tough!" This was after our discussion about Julie's "icky sticky" and wiping her hands and mouth after each bite. He says it's just a phase, that worst case scenario, she'll just have good personal hygeine. LOL. The things mother's worry about. She's still above average for height, but below for weight. She's catching up though, she's only a pound below normal. I was told to not worry if she stops gaining, as her growth is about to come to almost a standstill. The only hard part is trying to determine what size she'll be next summer, she's not even all the way in 18 months at 20 months yet. I'm thinking she'll still be in 2T next summer ... sigh.
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